Explorer Contributions

During the second restoration, the explorers contributed to the restoration in many ways. Explorers restored stained glass windows, helped Victor Laxman to calibrate the Great Zero, fed the Lake Algae, and together with the DRC they laid the foundations for the Guilds.

This is the official list of projects for the explorers that was shown at the DRC website:

Item Name Phase Information
Eder Delin Stained Glass One Explorers invited to contribute. Engberg. 03.28.07
Two - Four No longer taking submissions.
Eder Tsogal Stained Glass One Explorers invited to contribute. Engberg. 02.22.07
Two - Four No longer taking submissions.
Great Zero Stained Glass One Submissions accepted until 7.21.07
Two - Three No longer taking submissions.
Feed the Lake Algae Project One