Eder Kemo

Eder Kemo


Eder Kemo was written during the “Garden Binge” of the 8100’s along with Eder Gira and numerous others.


Eder Kemo is a Garden Age filled with a variety of trees, shrubs, and random vegetation. Storms come through the Age on a frequent basis keeping the vegetation healthy and alive. Eder Kemo incudes a small pond is abundant with fish (in fact the fish are what the Age was named after).

Though the Age was given to the D’ni general population by the Lords of the time, it was later replaced with a different Age.

DRC Notes

Eder Kemo- 10/2001- Phase 1 inspections complete - Passed
Initial Mapping Complete - Sutherland
Phase Two Approval - Sutherland
9.9.2002 Mysterious happenings, recommend suspension.- Watson
Vote failed due to 9.23.02 information
Detailed Analysis Started 11/2003
Phase Five Approval - Sutherland