Dr. Kodama inspects Ae’gura

Date: 2006-12-20, from 11:10 until 11:28
Location: Ae’gura
Logged By: Whilyam

Dr. Kodama:
We’re still not sure what exactly happened
Dr. Kodama:
Safety precautions.
And imagers down? (12/20 13:10:53) Altydwarber: me neither lol (12/20 13:11:00) Ashtar: Well it was definitely scary (12/20 13:11:03) susanszy: at least we have new KIs! (12/20 13:11:08) J’ena: i couldn’t get in, so am hearing about it second hand (12/20 13:11:10) Whilyam: Safety… something I’ve wanted to ask you, Dr.. (12/20 13:11:30) J’ena: i’ve got a different KI number than the one the forum asked for (12/20 13:11:42) Ashtar: So how is Marie?
Dr. Kodama:
She is good. Should be down soon.
Can anyone see me? (12/20 13:12:03) Ashtar: That’s great to hear (12/20 13:12:09) Altydwarber: yes jena (12/20 13:12:10) susanszy: I see you J’ena (12/20 13:12:11) Gadren smiles (12/20 13:12:14) Emgee: I feel like I’m in prologue again (12/20 13:12:15) J’ena: Thanks (12/20 13:12:17) Whilyam: The DRC tries to keep people safe, yet the time when you guys were gone there hasn’t been a single disappearance. Isn’t it possible the DRC’s safety precautions are just creating moretension leading to willful revolt? (12/20 13:12:20) J’ena: No jumps i see
Dr. Kodama:
Dr. Kodama:
That’s entirely possible.
Dr. Kodama:
But we’re in charge now.
Heh, now if that’s not a loaded question, Whilyam, I don’t know what is… (12/20 13:12:57) susanszy: But Whil, how do we *know* there have been no disappearance? (12/20 13:13:03) darkstar: shout/ /might be a good idea to move away from the link in spot (12/20 13:13:04) susanszy: s (12/20 13:13:05) Ashtar: Typical DRC arrogance
Dr. Kodama:
Excuse me?
Right Suzanszy (12/20 13:13:32) Tweek: actually after the DRC pulled out Sharper vanished (12/20 13:13:32) susanszy pokes Ashtar (12/20 13:13:38) Emgee: Really no place else to gather is there? (12/20 13:13:43) Anthony: I’ve seen weird stuff in the cavern before (12/20 13:13:46) J’ena: Quite a good conference going on, but i have to leave. seee youall later (12/20 13:13:47) Gadren: Settle down, Ashtar, let’s not get carried away…wehave more important things to talk about right now (12/20 13:13:47) Ashtar: Actually we are all part of the restoration Dr. Kodama, not just the DRC (12/20 13:13:50) J’ena waves
Dr. Kodama:
We’re not trying to be arrogant. We are trying to protect people now that we are responsible again.
Up on the landing of the stair maybe?
Dr. Kodama:
If someone is hurt, it’s our fault.
Talking with Kodamam at the ferry landing
Dr. Kodama:
Hopefully that makes sense to you.
oops PM failure. Sorry (12/20 13:14:36) Ashtar: Yes, but I think this needs to be a shared project, not just the DRC (12/20 13:14:36) Gadren: Anyway, Dr. Kodama, I noticed during that meeting last night that you said “what the…” or something like that a little bit before the big Link…what did you mean by that? (12/20 13:14:38) Altydwarber: can we help to restore things so that we can explore the hoods more? (12/20 13:14:41) Whilyam: Yet no one was hurt when you were gone. (12/20 13:14:50) darkstar: Case of shutting the door after the horse has bolted (12/20 13:14:53) Ti’chelle: We can understand the caution. Who wants to get hit on the head with a falling rock! (12/20 13:14:56) Whilyam: This is all I was attempting to point out, Dr. (12/20 13:15:01) susanszy: again, Whil, we can’t be sure....
Dr. Kodama:
Whilyam, I agree. And that is fortunate.
And i dont recall asking you to be responsible for me (12/20 13:15:52) Whilyam: Eh, keep in mind, darkstar, the DRC IS legally liable. (12/20 13:16:00) Kedry: Say, shouldn’t we be signing a waiver or something?
Dr. Kodama:
We are being funded to restore this place in a safe manner.
but they closed everything (12/20 13:16:12) Anthony: no but I would have to say in this day and age it matters not look at how the courts go (12/20 13:16:25) Anthony: DS
Dr. Kodama:
You know I’ve never been one to hold back on opening up areas but…
i’d rather explore as things open…and not be in charge of searching parties to find lost rogue explorers (12/20 13:16:38) Whilyam: but? (12/20 13:16:43) susanszy: lol@Emgee
Dr. Kodama:
It won’t hurt to have things closed for a bit while we check the extent of what happened yesterday.
Dr. Kodama:
It shouldn’t be long.
Hmm.. something that concerned me, Dr. is that without Douglas Sharper, what will become of Teledahn? (12/20 13:17:22) Donna cheers (12/20 13:17:32) Whilyam: Will it stay as is?
Dr. Kodama:
And some things simply aren’t working so hopefully we’ll get them going again soon.
Matthew Miller:
Doctor, does the DRC have an explination as to what exactly did happen yesterday? (12/20 13:17:42) susanszy: yes, any idea where Sharper went? (12/20 13:17:42) Emgee: What happened yesterday? Sisemic activity (-sp?) (12/20 13:17:44) Anthony: How long would you say it will be Dr. (12/20 13:17:46) Player added. (12/20 13:17:49) Kedry: And what exactly DID happen? I heard you were checking your KI just before. (12/20 13:18:04) Gadren: I noticed, Dr. Kodama, that you opened up your KI shortly before the incident. Did you see anything unusual? (12/20 13:18:10) Ashtar: So what kind of changes have you seen so far that warrant the closures?
Dr. Kodama:
I was.
Dr. Kodama:
I was talking to Laxman.
Ahh… (12/20 13:18:41) Altydwarber: my question is… when the bahro screem so loud is it possibble that the are nearby? (12/20 13:18:43) Whilyam: He knewwhat was happening? (12/20 13:19:10) Tweek: Alty> The Bahro are everywhere
Dr. Kodama:
He was seeing something weird in the Lattice.
Whatever happened, it affected our KIs, so hopefully Laxman can shed some light on it.
Dr. Kodama:
He’s been working on them.
Too many questions…should we temporarily put the liasons in service? (12/20 13:19:37) Whilyam: Ah. Nothing damaging he said in the KI message. That’s good to know. (12/20 13:19:40) Altydwarber is looking for a hide away (12/20 13:19:55) ‘Veralun: do not be afraid Alty (12/20 13:20:04) Matthew Miller: What did he see in the lattice? (12/20 13:20:13) Altydwarber: well I still have the screem in my ears (12/20 13:20:19) Tweek: salad dressing Wink (12/20 13:20:20) Gadren: Is there something that the liaisons can do to assist? (12/20 13:20:24) Nahuta: shorah all (12/20 13:20:30) Matthew Miller: lol tweek (12/20 13:20:31) Gadren: Shorah Nahuta (12/20 13:20:38) Duncan: is there anything new to do? (12/20 13:20:42) Kedry: I dunno…manage all the questions? (12/20 13:20:44) Emgee: Is there a report available on the DRC website? Or an annoucement of some sort? (12/20 13:20:47) ‘Veralun: you have that in your easrs Tweek?
Dr. Kodama:
Help the new explorers
hi Gadren
Dr. Kodama:
As far as yesterday? Not yet.
Yes are going to issue an update on exactly what happened (12/20 13:21:18) Ashtar: I think most everyone has been helping with that Dr. K, at least what I have seen. (12/20 13:21:23) Whilyam: Laxman already sent a KI message around explaining the barriers (12/20 13:21:25) Ti’chelle: Is it safe for us to visit the ages and do our journey?
Dr. Kodama:
I would assume. And we don’t have much control on that regardless…
I can’t imagine theres been time to check yet (12/20 13:22:11) Tweek: Ti> Should be I’ve been into Gahreesen, Gira and Kadish and it looks to be all well and good (12/20 13:22:12) Emgee: Where is the best place to go to get info..? (12/20 13:22:26) Anthony: Thats strange because I found Gar. blocked beyond the Ki station (12/20 13:22:43) Ashtar: Guild of Greeters is a good start Emgee (12/20 13:22:50) The Doctor: shorah, folks!
Dr. Kodama:
Agree. Guild of Greeters.
Thanks Tweek. (12/20 13:22:59) darkstar: using your own or the book in the hood? (12/20 13:23:33) Ashtar: Where is he going? (12/20 13:23:36) Whilyam: Don’t look now, Dr.... but you’re being followed (12/20 13:23:42) Gadren laughs
Dr. Kodama:
lemmings on Parade (12/20 13:23:57) Anthony starts to laugh (12/20 13:23:58) susanszy follows mindlessly (12/20 13:24:01) Kedry: Don’t mind us…Razz
Dr. Kodama:
Have any of you noticed changes?
It’s cause your such a snappy dresser…and here we are in t-shirts Smile (12/20 13:24:10) darkstar: it moves us away from the link in spot (12/20 13:24:10) Whilyam: Where? (12/20 13:24:15) Kedry: No water in the neighborhood fountains (12/20 13:24:18) Matthew Miller: In the bevins, the imagers are gone for one (12/20 13:24:22) susanszy: I noticed no heek in the hood (12/20 13:24:25) Whilyam: I’ve noticed the barriers, that’s for sure. (12/20 13:24:29) Gadren: Well, there was a change on my Relto – normally there are 4 pillars, but there was only 1 central one now (12/20 13:24:33) Ti’chelle: I just linked down. Haven’t had time to look. (12/20 13:24:46) Anthony: yes (12/20 13:24:49) Whilyam: I saw a new island and a well thing in my Relto as well (12/20 13:24:53) Kedry: Oh, yeah, and the sone well, and two new islands. (12/20 13:25:03) Kedry: Stone^ (12/20 13:25:03) Gadren nods his head
Dr. Kodama:
Right, I think I was aware of most of those.
Dr. Kodama:
we need some light here (12/20 13:25:35) Anthony: sadly I forgot my lantern (12/20 13:25:41) Gadren: On a slightly more personal note, Dr. Laxman, how has your perception of the Bahro changed after this incident? (12/20 13:25:43) darkstar: and odd bridge arrangement (12/20 13:25:50) Tweek: I’ve noticed a few changes, floating stones, new island (12/20 13:25:54) Kedry: Is something holding up Sutherland? (12/20 13:26:17) darkstar: seemed to me the Bahro where as surprised as we where
Dr. Kodama:
I don’t know of anything specific holding her up.
Did it scare the DRC as well, a show of power they don’t poccess? (12/20 13:26:51) Ti’chelle: Maybe then it wasn’t the Bahro that linked everyone.
Dr. Kodama:
I’m not sure “scared” is the right word.
That sounded a rather snide tone, Ashtar… (12/20 13:27:15) Matthew Miller: Who would have the power to link everyone if it wasn’t the Bahro? (12/20 13:27:22) Whilyam: Yeesha (12/20 13:27:26) Gadren: What else could it have been, Ti’chelle? What, other than the Bahro, possesses the power to link hundreds of people at once? (12/20 13:27:27) Anthony: Maybe the maker is angered at us disturbing the city of d’ni (12/20 13:27:29) susanszy: exactly, Whil (12/20 13:27:37) Ashtar: It wasn’t Kedry, just an obvious observation. (12/20 13:27:40) Whilyam: but I’m positive it was Bahro (12/20 13:27:42) susanszy: and she said she was coming (12/20 13:27:44) Ti’chelle: He who comes? (12/20 13:27:51) Whilyam: Last I heard, Yeesha didn’t sound THAT raspy (12/20 13:27:57) darkstar: Bow that is the question
Dr. Kodama:
Hmm… well I better resume checking out things. Good day.
Matthew Miller:
Thats just silly religious mombo jumbo Anthony, bah (12/20 13:28:07) Whilyam: Good day, Dr. (12/20 13:28:07) The Doctor: the bahro have shown in other places just what sort of power they do have. (12/20 13:28:07) Matthew Miller: Good Day (12/20 13:28:11) Emgee: Thanks for your time Dr. K (12/20 13:28:11) Gadren: Good luck, Dr. Kodama (12/20 13:28:15) susanszy: bye Dr. (12/20 13:28:16) Ti’chelle: Good day Dr. K. Nice seeing you. (12/20 13:28:16) Donna: Thank you Dr.! (12/20 13:28:19) Tweek: I dunno, with that Burden to deal with, she’s proberbly on 50 a day and knocking back the rum