Dr. Kodama inspects the Uru Obsession neighbourhood

Presumably, some parts of the discussion couldn’t be heard by the logger and are missing.

Date: 2006-12-20, from 14:13 until 14:33
Location: Uru Obsession neighbourhood
Logged By: Dan’ni

which problem? (12/20 22:13:45) Dan’ni: oooo Kodama’s here (12/20 22:14:06) Dan’ni: Hello there Doctor. (12/20 22:14:16) ChrisRivadeneira: Hi Dr.Kodama
Dr. Kodama:
I don’t see Dr. Kodama
How are things? (12/20 22:14:26) Twi-lite: Hi Dr. Kodama (12/20 22:14:36) Lontahv: Shorah (12/20 22:14:41) Twi-lite: wow, the imagers are back
Dr. Kodama:
I can hear you
yup (12/20 22:14:42) Misterzen: Is there somedoy that can invite me in this neigborhood.... (12/20 22:14:47) Linkin’ Imp: I can hear you (12/20 22:14:53) Misterzen: Yes I can here you (12/20 22:15:04) Linkin’ Imp: No, mrzen… noone here yet
Dr. Kodama:
How is everyone?
Linkin’ Imp:
No hood members (12/20 22:15:16) ChrisRivadeneira: Good (12/20 22:15:18) Twi-lite: doing fine, how are you doctor? (12/20 22:15:19) Linkin’ Imp: Good
Dr. Kodama:
its so good to be back here,
Dr. Kodama:
Lots of people here.
shorah everyone.. (12/20 22:15:47) Linkin’ Imp: Shorah (12/20 22:15:57) Dan’ni: Yes people are coming back.
Dr. Kodama:
The story?
Dr. Kodama:
Yes (12/20 22:16:18) Linkin’ Imp: Thanks (12/20 22:16:30) Kralys: hi (12/20 22:16:44) Misterzen: IL Il y a Dr Kodoma a Uru Obsesison (12/20 22:16:46) Lontahv: Heek (12/20 22:16:47) Analord: :-) (12/20 22:17:00) JKC: no heek yet :( (12/20 22:17:00) Misterzen: IL y a Dr kodooma A Uru Obsession (12/20 22:17:08) Linkin’ Imp: I don’t think so (12/20 22:17:21) Gadren: Shorah! (12/20 22:17:40) Gadren: How is everyone? (12/20 22:17:46) Misterzen: allo Nehmo.... On dirait que le jeu est revenu a une version super primale…genre pas the heey,
Dr. Kodama:
So why is this hood so popular?
where have you find your dress doctor kodama? (12/20 22:17:59) Gadren shrugs (12/20 22:18:03) Linkin’ Imp: Hi gadren (12/20 22:18:07) Dan’ni: Doctor, what was in the message you received earlier today?
Dr. Kodama:
Ah, hi Gadren.
Well, Uru Obsession is one of the biggest D’ni-related forums… (12/20 22:18:23) Twi-lite: Hi Gadren (12/20 22:18:30) Misterzen: tu va ste coucher lesoudayay
Dr. Kodama:
The message?
Dr. Kodama:
Not sure which you are referring to. I’ve received many.
I heard people talking about you receiving some kind og a shocking message after which everyone was sent to Relto. (12/20 22:19:06) JKC: I think he means the “they come..” message
Dr. Kodama:
No before. From Laxman.
Dr. Kodama:
New Ages…not sure.
Linkin’ Imp:
What is going on? do the bahro want us to leave?
Dr. Kodama:
Not too long though.
Dan’ni, the message from Laxman said something like the Lattice was acting funny
Dr. Kodama:
Linkin’ Imp - you are very interesting looking.
any idea when the city will be starting to open up? (12/20 22:19:51) Misterzen: Je me demande si tu pourrais me faire entrer dans ton quartier,,,, il faut que je reinitialise (12/20 22:19:52) Gadren: :P (12/20 22:19:53) Linkin’ Imp: Is there something you are not telling us? are we in danger? (12/20 22:19:59) Dan’ni: Ah. I see. Thanks Gadren. (12/20 22:20:03) Linkin’ Imp: Thanks you, dr kodama
Dr. Kodama:
I don’t believe we are in danger.
(12/20 22:20:15) Gadren nods his head (12/20 22:20:21) Dan’ni: So what is the DRC up to now?
Dr. Kodama:
We would not be allowing people here if that were the case.
If we aren’t in danger, why can’t we go up to the meeting room in the hoods? (12/20 22:20:44) Lontahv: What about Blake.
Dr. Kodama:
In the short term we are investigating yesterday’s incident and the repurcussions from it.
Dr. Kodama:
In the long term, what we are always doing… restoring.
what happened? (12/20 22:21:27) Twi-lite: That scream yesterday was very chilling...... (12/20 22:21:27) Kralys: i guess i got here a little late (12/20 22:21:28) Linkin’ Imp: dunno… seemed like a bahro yanked me out of my nexus
Dr. Kodama:
We’re still looking into what exactly happened. I don’t want to speculate.
Dr. Kodama:
Others can tell you their opinion if they so choose.
Linkin’ Imp:
He seemed agitated (the bahro, that is) (12/20 22:21:47) Dan’ni: Will you keep us updated on what you find?
Dr. Kodama:
Of course.
does anyone mind letting me join this hood? (12/20 22:21:58) Dan’ni: Awesome.
Dr. Kodama:
I don’t know. I haven’t heard from Dr. Watson in a long time.
allo Soline mon ki : 73421
Dr. Kodama:
He may be gettting a nice tan for all I know.
allo Soline mmon ki: 73421 (12/20 22:22:39) Linkin’ Imp starts to laugh
Dr. Kodama:
The what?
Many of these questions regarding Watson and when new Ages are coming have already been addressed multiple times in Town Hall Meetings. Check out mystembassy.net/drcliaisons to read the chatlogs (12/20 22:23:00) Misterzen: HEllo Doc, Ko
Dr. Kodama:
Ah, we’ve removed it.
Dr. Kodama:
We’ll be returning it soon.
nine hearcut (12/20 22:23:21) ChrisRivadeneira cheers (12/20 22:23:22) Misterzen: haircut
Dr. Kodama:
Checking it out - it was having problems.
shorah everbody (12/20 22:23:37) Linkin’ Imp: Shorah
Dr. Kodama:
Not sure but not in the near future.
Dr. Kodama:
The game room needs quite a bit of work.
What kind of games are there in the game room, anyways? (12/20 22:24:46) Dan’ni: Gemedet, maybe? (12/20 22:24:48) Linkin’ Imp: Tiddlywinks (12/20 22:24:50) Linkin’ Imp starts to laugh
Dr. Kodama:
That’s part of the problem - we’re still trying to figure that out.
Must be in a very bad shape then…
Dr. Kodama:
It didn’t come with instructions.
waht will be the next tingh to open,,,,wht on the agenda ? (12/20 22:25:16) Linkin’ Imp: Oh oh (12/20 22:25:18) ChrisRivadeneira laughs
Dr. Kodama:
And it’s not immediately obvious.
Linkin’ Imp:
Hey… that’s a cool concept… games that you have to figure out how to operate (12/20 22:25:56) Misterzen: IL y a Dr.Kodoma,,ici ca se rempli vite
Dr. Kodama:
I haven’t seen Yeesha
The Egg-room when will it be open? (12/20 22:26:12) Gadren: Besides the holograms in the Cleft, Chris, I haven’t
Dr. Kodama:
Dr. Kodama:
Just going through some safety checks on it - after yesterday.
Same with the rest of the city I suppose?
Dr. Kodama:
Dr. Kodama:
Not sure.
That’s good wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt. (12/20 22:27:31) Misterzen: qui a le Ki de AmaH ? (12/20 22:27:35) Tiran: Has anybody figured out what has happend? It was scary (12/20 22:27:56) Gadren: Take a look on the forums…people have written up reports on it (12/20 22:28:08) gelf: what makes the places they you have open any safer then the places your not letting us into yet? (12/20 22:28:19) Gadren: www.mystembassy.net/drcliaisons <-- the DRC Liaisons have written an Announcement about it (12/20 22:28:21) Linkin' Imp: Good question
Dr. Kodama:
We have completed thourough checks on the open areas.
Linkin’ Imp:
That was fast
Dr. Kodama:
We have found some small cracks and other debris in other areas.
Dr. Kodama:
That have caused us to not reopen.
Linkin’ Imp:
Are you sure they were thorough? (12/20 22:28:54) Mucol: small cracks? (12/20 22:28:57) Tiran: Gadren: I was here when it happend. But I don’t know why it happend and what’s behind the event. (12/20 22:29:09) Gadren: Hmm…so whatever happened had a physical effect on the area (12/20 22:29:10) Lontahv: Is it as bad as Gahreesen?
Dr. Kodama:
Yes. We are as sure as we can be.
Dr. Kodama:
Linkin’ Imp:
Ond day doesn’t seem like much time to have done a thorough check of said open areas
Dr. Kodama:
Small. We just want to make sure they have not damaged structural integrity.
Dr. Kodama:
We have been working on night.
IMP, well the hoods and Ferry always seemed quite stable…
Dr. Kodama:
With restoration engineers.
Dr. Kodama:
And there aren’t any major structures there.
So I guess that’s partially the reason why those areas are open… (12/20 22:30:28) Linkin’ Imp: ok. heh… i’m naturally overcautious
Dr. Kodama:
What was your question Chris?
i would have thought checking cracks would have been an on going process anyway the whole places is cracked so do you keep mesurements of them all looking for changes? (12/20 22:30:33) Linkin’ Imp kicks self
Dr. Kodama:
Exacty gelf.
cautios as usually
Dr. Kodama:
Great Zero… we are working on it.
Cautious as usually
Dr. Kodama:
I would assume in the near term.
Don’t expect to get any solid answers or schedules, Chris ;-) – I’d assume that whatever plans they had are going to be changed by recent events.
Dr. Kodama:
I hate to give dates - if we don’t reach the goals we’ll have unhappy people.
Dr. Kodama:
Yes Gadren, as well as that.
Do you and the other DRC and res-eng folks going to work through the holidays or do you have other plans? (12/20 22:32:22) gelf: did the whole cavern shake at the sound of the scream??? is that why we all linked out? our ki thought it was safer to do so?
Dr. Kodama:
Some of us will be here and others will not.
Chris, I’ve hada couple problems like that…I’ve found that linking out of the Nexus and linking in can sometimes fix it…
Dr. Kodama:
I think I will be heading up to the surface for a short while.
Linkin’ Imp:
A bahro was most definitely in the nexus with me (12/20 22:32:58) Gadren: The KI doesn’t have linking abilities, gelf (12/20 22:33:01) Linkin’ Imp: Ok doc (12/20 22:33:12) Misterzen: thanks Doc (12/20 22:33:17) Gadren: See you around, Dr. K. Thanks for all your help (12/20 22:33:17) Linkin’ Imp: Yes. thanks
Dr. Kodama:
Well I will be going.
Good luck getting things working
Dr. Kodama:
Thank you.
Dr. Kodama:
Good Day.
ok - take care (12/20 22:33:30) Tiran: Bye (12/20 22:33:31) Linkin’ Imp: Bye (12/20 22:33:34) George: Bye! (12/20 22:33:35) Dan’ni: All right. Take care. And good luck with the work.