Nick comes to chat

Date: 2007-03-08
Location: The Great Tree neighbourhood
Logged By: Dav’on

Nick White:
Busy here.
Shorah, Nick! (03/09 00:52:33) Niika: Woah, it’s Nick! Hello (03/09 00:52:46) Aleks: Hello there. Good to finally meet you.
Nick White:
What’s happening?
Nick White:
Good to meet you.
Not much, it seems. People thought Sharper might happen by today.
Nick White:
He’s pretty busy… I doubt he will.
Nick White:
He’s back though.
Arthur Kalnins:
Sharper isn’t coming down today? (03/09 00:53:55) Arthur Kalnins: or rather coming in
Nick White:
Coming in?
Ah, there we go. KI is working again.
Nick White:
He’s in the cavern if that’s what you mean.
Hey Nick. (03/09 00:54:16) Arthur Kalnins: To talk to people (03/09 00:54:16) Niika: So, the DRC’s accepted him back into the fold?
Nick White:
..and he’s accepted being back in the fold?
Nick White:
Not sure if he’ll go around hoods or anyting - like I said he’s pretty buys.
Cate seems to be rather keen on him, in any case.
Nick White:
Nick White:
Arthur Kalnins:
So what exactly is he working on?
Nick White:
Right now, just setting up shop.
Arthur Kalnins:
In Negilahn?
Nick White:
Nick White:
Arthur Kalnins:
Ah (03/09 00:55:45) Arthur Kalnins: I thought his stuff was all there already (03/09 00:55:52) Arthur Kalnins: Or are all those crates empty? (03/09 00:55:55) Gondar: So they have him to resume work? Or is he just setting ‘base camp’ so to speak?
Nick White:
I see. So he will be working on that Teledahn II area, huh? (03/09 00:56:15) ireenquench: Shorah (03/09 00:56:15) Gondar: Er, work in Teledahn. (03/09 00:56:15) Niika: They let him back into Teledahn? Wow
Nick White:
Just “making the rounds”
Nick White:
That kind of stuff.
Arthur Kalnins:
Will he be resuming work on Teledahn?
Nick White:
I suppose eventually.
Arthur Kalnins:
Or continuing in the other areas
Nick White:
I think Negilahn is task one.
checking up on shroomie no doubt (03/09 00:57:02) Aleks: Ah, I see. He’s gonna see what’s up with the animals, I guess.
Nick White:
I believe so.
In a way it’s good he’s back and about. Hopefully he can figure out how to help the animals there.
Nick White:
Do you still think that it’s some sort of preditor?
Nick White:
Except for the “in a way” part....
Nick White:
Arthur Kalnins:
Nick, I need some clarification here… Has the DRC found Gehn’s Age 233? (03/09 00:57:44) ireenquench: Do you know anything about why specifially he is going to check up on the Negilahn animals? Seems like an odd choice on Cate’s end. (03/09 00:57:47) Gondar: Of course..
Nick White:
I think he’s the most experienced with dealing with predatory creatures.
Nick White:
Uh… not that I know of on the Gehn’s Age thing..
So predator is still the current guess? I hope it’s not some wild chase against Bahro. (03/09 00:59:03) Arthur Kalnins: Cyan put out a statement in their Riven soundtrack that it had been. (03/09 00:59:09) Arthur Kalnins: Something higher up? (03/09 00:59:15) Arthur Kalnins: than you. (03/09 00:59:17) Aleks: Makes sense. Though alien predators could be a very scary thing.
Nick White:
Arthur, not sure what you mean…
Poor Nick.. enough of these grilling sessions and he’ll end up like Kodama. Dry sarcastic wit and a no comment :-D (03/09 00:59:27) Arthur Kalnins pulls out quote (03/09 00:59:37) Niika: Do you think he might organize a hunting party? (03/09 00:59:50) ireenquench shivers
Nick White:
I think he’ll probably want to see what he’s dealing with first.
Nick’s great. He’s the only one who actually talks to us :D (03/09 01:00:23) Aleks: And the other Pod ages? I hear there’s a population drop in some of them as well? (03/09 01:00:29) Gondar: Exactly.. and in retrurn we pepper him with questions. Let us know if you mind, Nick.. (03/09 01:00:30) Arthur Kalnins: It mentions “partial translations of this document (parts of Gehn’s journal) provided taken from Gehn’s office during further experditions to age 233.”
Nick White:
Yep - all of them.
Nick White:
Not sure Arthur.
Any idea why that might be?
Nick White:
I don’t have experience with Gehn’s journal.
Must be some strange predator if it does it in ALL ages. (03/09 01:01:22) Arthur Kalnins: You would understand how that Age would be VERY interesting to see. (03/09 01:01:25) Aleks: Unless the Bahro are doing it....
Nick White:
The drop has beent he worst in Neg
Nick White:
But slight drops in all of them.
Different predators I assumed ireen. Was there any signs the D’ni had any sort of forced balance to the ages? To keep popul;ation in check?
Nick White:
Yes, Arthur, I do understand that.
All pod ages? (03/09 01:01:58) ireenquench: I had been thinking Bahro as well, but not predator, rather more : noah’s arch (03/09 01:02:05) Gondar: Perhaps to ensure people could see creatures who normally would be rare?
Nick White:
They were messing with creature populations a bit it would seem - similar to a zoo.
Might be something set up by the D’ni, true. (03/09 01:02:31) Gondar: And now that the keepers are gone, the tigers eat the zebras. Yeah. :- (03/09 01:02:43) Kedry: Hello! (03/09 01:02:49) Aleks: But its strange that it would take so long, and all at once. (03/09 01:02:56) Aleks: Across ages, no less.
Nick White:
Yeah, weird stuff.
When did the predation start? (03/09 01:03:11) Arthur Kalnins: Another thing that’s been going around… Michael Simpson mentioned in his Gahreesen review that the rock pinnacle was the first place the DRC was able to “save a link” Does this mean the DRC wrote a linking book there? If not, what does that mean? (03/09 01:03:12) Aleks: Are all the pod ages zoo type deals?
Nick White:
Arthur is the journalist for the group I guess.
(03/09 01:03:41) Gondar laughs (03/09 01:03:45) Arthur Kalnins: Of course. (03/09 01:03:46) ireenquench laughs (03/09 01:03:47) Kedry: Nice to meet you in person. (03/09 01:03:54) Arthur Kalnins: Many mysteries you guys leave us. (03/09 01:03:57) K’laamas: Shorah, ireen :) (03/09 01:04:01) cxevalo: is the perdator a large animal or something small that could be carried by contaminated explores? (03/09 01:04:05) Arthur Kalnins: My job to try and sort them out.
Nick White:
I’d have to see the context there Arthur - I don’t know all of Simpson’s text offhand.
K’laamas! hi!
Nick White:
But I don’t think he was referring to us writing a link at all.
Arthur Kalnins:
Can the DRC write links?
Nick White:
Nick White:
Not that I know of at least.
Are we going to be able to access the other pods anytime soon?
Nick White:
We aren’t writing Books.
Nick White:
Nick White:
Depending on what you mean by soon
(03/09 01:05:23) Seagull looks at watch (03/09 01:05:24) Seagull: :) (03/09 01:05:24) Kedry: So I missed the beginning of the conversation, but does Sharper plan on meeting us today? (03/09 01:05:25) Aleks: What would you mean by soon? (03/09 01:05:31) Gondar: Any groups set up trying to find out how to write as opposed to just translation? Or is it language first, advanced stuff later? (03/09 01:05:42) Aleks: Doesn’t seem so Kedry.
Nick White:
Arthur Kalnins:
Context: The rock pinnacle is “The first area since we’ve arrived we were able to save a link” (03/09 01:05:51) Rils: heyya gang! (03/09 01:05:53) Kedry: Thanks. (03/09 01:05:57) Kedry: Rils! (03/09 01:05:59) Kedry waves (03/09 01:06:18) ireenquench: Hey Rils (03/09 01:06:27) Rils waves at all 400 people in the hood (03/09 01:07:05) Niika: Is Neghilan the DRC’s biggest concern at the moment? (03/09 01:07:16) Rils: Perhaps I missed it earlier… Nick, what evidence are finding in Negilahn as to why the animals are disappearing?
Nick White:
I think there are qutie a few concerns - that’s one of the.
Nick White:
Rils: Nick mentioned the predator theory again. (03/09 01:07:59) Gondar: You did miss it Rils. They had the age set up like a zoo, and now without zookeepers the predators are runing wild. Or at least that’s waht I got… (03/09 01:08:10) Rils: any ideas what the predator is? Big? Microscopic? (03/09 01:08:21) Arthur Kalnins: Alright.. one last question and I’ll leave you alone. Where is the Ae’gura Aquarium? Where’s the Arch museum for that matter? (03/09 01:08:29) Seagull: Could it fit through the pod crack? :(
Nick White:
Not really… again, hopefully Sharper will give us some more information on the whole Neg thing.
When *will* we be seeing Sharper?
Nick White:
As far as the musuem and aquarium… confidential Arthur.
Aww! (03/09 01:09:07) Arthur Kalnins starts to laugh
Nick White:
Don’t want you storming the place with a video camera.
(03/09 01:09:18) Kedry roars with laughter (03/09 01:09:20) ireenquench laughs (03/09 01:09:25) Kedry: Or KICamera! :P (03/09 01:09:28) Aleks: What about that new age, what it looks like and what the purpose was? Confidential also? (03/09 01:09:30) Rils: Nick, we also have a whole group of us in the DZS who are willing to help do reaserch on the Negilahn problem! (03/09 01:09:47) Gondar: Oh! What about the hood game room? Is it that closed door down by the water? Or somewhere we can’t get to at all yet?
Nick White:
Looks big.
Yes. Is there any way the explorer population can help the DRC out?
Nick White:
Purpose…maybe training of some kind?
Nick White:
Not quite sure yet.
Training? Like marathon running? (03/09 01:10:47) Aleks: Perhaps another maintaner age? (03/09 01:11:00) Arthur Kalnins: Well since all my questions got no answers I’ll have to go back on what I said… last question.. Is there any danger presented by the crack in the Negilahn pod? Any signs of what made it?
Nick White:
I think just time.
Phew! (03/09 01:11:24) hailahh: Nick, this is going to sound like a dumb question, but… on the surface, we’re jumping early to Daylight Saving Time on Sunday I hear. Seems like we don’t need it down here! but will the cavern go to dst too? (03/09 01:11:25) Arthur Kalnins: And anything dangerous that could get in?
Nick White:
No danger.
Arthur Kalnins:
Okay (03/09 01:11:40) Arthur Kalnins: one for four… not bad :P
Nick White:
That is a good question… haven’t really thought about that.
Hey, Nick. Did you guys (DRC) get our Pento letter? (03/09 01:11:50) Rils: Someone was trapped in there and they had to use the Jaws of Life on the Pod…
Nick White:
I supose Laxman would know.
Good to hear, we have some worried explorers among us.
Nick White:
Pento letter?
Oh, I was wondering, anyy news on the Great Zero? Laxman would probably know more, but have you heard anything?
Nick White:
Not sure on that one.
Nick White:
Oh man, the Great Zero is a mess.
Nick White:
Stuff keeps breaking right when we are about to get it going.
Nick White:
If Laxman had any hair, he wouldn’t now.
blue lasers shooting everywhere… (03/09 01:13:12) Gondar laughs (03/09 01:13:19) Gondar: Shoot! He beat me to the line! (03/09 01:13:24) Aleks: I see. Poor guy. (03/09 01:13:29) Montgomery: I requested that you be on the receiving list – Cate, Laxman, Kodama, Engberg, Sutherland and you. You didn’t get it? About 2 1/2 weeks ago. (03/09 01:13:43) ireenquench: Is it the neutrino stuff? the lattice? the Kis? what’s GZs weak points?
Nick White:
Yeah, if you want to hear a British person say “Bloody” go hang out with Laxman.
Nick White:
KInda fun.
Nick White:
Over and over and over and over.
Nick White:
Not sure Montgomery.
Nick White:
Nick White:
KI Mail?
Oooh. Ouch. Hence he’s not about in the caverns I guess.. and the other three are busy prepping ages as well? (03/09 01:14:33) cxevalo: Nick does the DRC have any plans for establishing better comunications with the exploer comunity? (03/09 01:14:37) Montgomery: Via D’net. Do you know the DRC’s palns for Pento – it being full of plague and all?
Nick White:
I personally haven’t seen that one - sorry.
Nick White:
I don’t know.
Arthur Kalnins:
Yes, has the DRC fully checked out both Pento Ages for the plague? (03/09 01:15:00) Nadnerb: Was he coming tonight?
Nick White:
As much as I do know about Sharper, I’m not his secretary.
(03/09 01:15:16) Kedry raises his hand over the crowd (03/09 01:15:19) ireenquench roars with laughter (03/09 01:15:24) Nadnerb starts to laugh
Nick White:
I said I’d be surprised if he came tonight as he is pretty busy with stuff.
Is he taking applications?
Nick White:
But I don’t know.
Arthur Kalnins:
Darn… (03/09 01:15:33) Nadnerb: busy is good… (03/09 01:15:39) Kedry: Can you tell us Mr. Sharper’s KI#? (03/09 01:15:42) Nadnerb: It means things are happening
Nick White:
No I can not.
Shoot. :P (03/09 01:16:20) Arthur Kalnins: Nick: Are you still passing out Delins? (03/09 01:16:23) Dav’on: I wouldn’t think Sharper would want to be constantly pestered by explorers wanting to know things. (03/09 01:16:44) Kedry: But while we’re at it, what’s your opinion on sharing DRC KI#s in forums?
Nick White:
My personal opinion? Seems fine to me.
Nick White:
Alright boys and girls.
Nick White:
I gotta run.
Quick! Start plastering numbers! :-D (03/09 01:17:19) Arthur Kalnins: Nick, before you leave… (03/09 01:17:19) Kedry: Thanks! (03/09 01:17:20) Arthur Kalnins: Are you still passing out Delins? (03/09 01:17:21) Mystlander goes to throw herself off the classroom roof into the lake (03/09 01:17:23) Aleks salutes (03/09 01:17:24) Gondar: Thanks for dropping by Nick! (03/09 01:17:30) ireenquench: Bye Nick, thanks for stopping by. (03/09 01:17:33) Kedry: See you around. (03/09 01:17:33) Dav’on waves goodbye
Nick White:
Don’t have any on me.. sorry Arthur.
Oooh Delin.. (03/09 01:17:34) Niika: It was great talking to you Nick :) (03/09 01:17:34) Aleks: Have a good one. (03/09 01:17:36) Keera: thanks Nick (03/09 01:17:38) Arthur Kalnins: Okay, thanks (03/09 01:17:40) Gondar: Too bad. (03/09 01:17:41) Montgomery: Nick, sorry to persist, but quite a few of us are very concerned about the possibility of plague coming from Pento – which is on the DRC list. Do you know if it is safe, and the DRC’s plans for Pento? (03/09 01:17:52) Xanos: Thanks Nick (03/09 01:17:52) Seagull: Thanks, Nick. :)
Nick White:
I wouldn’t worry about the Pento plague....
bye nick, shorah
Nick White:
I think it’ll be fine.
Arthur Kalnins:
Have the DRC checked it fully? (03/09 01:18:36) Kedry: Pento: The new cavern ceiling… :)
Nick White:
Nick White:
Great, Nick. Thank you – this is the first answer we have been able to get. (03/09 01:18:50) Gondar: Now how do I make money selling breathing masks to stop the plague? ;-)
Nick White:
But that’s why it’s not open to anyone.
I hope so, I don’t want to get sick and die before I hit my prime time of life (03/09 01:19:00) Arthur Kalnins: Ah okay (03/09 01:19:04) Arthur Kalnins: Good to know.
Nick White:
Good point Gondar.
Nick White:
Nick White:
Alright, I’m outta here.
Nick, do you know where they found the Pento book? (03/09 01:19:20) Gondar: Oop. Surprised Cate didn’t try it yet.. (03/09 01:19:20) Kedry laughs (03/09 01:19:21) tweetie: bye (03/09 01:19:25) Aleks: Peace. (03/09 01:19:27) hailahh: bye! (03/09 01:19:29) Gondar: Bye! (03/09 01:19:29) Kedry: See you ‘round. (03/09 01:19:32) Nadnerb: shorah