Nick makes fun of the explorers

The explorers were gathered to draw Yeesha’s attention. Later on, a hologram of Yeesha did appear, but it has remained a mystery.

Date: 2007-02-20
Location: sil_oh_wet’s neighbourhood
Logged By: Sosiqui

Shorah. (02/20 15:13:00) ireenquench: it looks still good enough LOL, but two hours ago it was awesome (02/20 15:13:01) Pryn: Are there gaps that need to be filled in? (02/20 15:13:01) zam: shorah Niwk (02/20 15:13:09) Vortmax: Heya Nick! (02/20 15:13:09) zam: oops Nick* (02/20 15:13:10) rw.: Shorah NIck. (02/20 15:13:11) Kiyoshi: Hi (02/20 15:13:13) RenewedValour: Hey Nick (02/20 15:13:17) Thend: Nick *may* be on his way here (02/20 15:13:22) Pauline waves hello
Nick White:
Did she show up?
Or *already* here lol (02/20 15:13:32) Vortmax: Not yet :( (02/20 15:13:34) Thend: NO :(
Nick White laughs to himself.
But it’s snowing in Delin! (02/20 15:13:38) Sosiqui: Nope, she has not, but that’s okay. (02/20 15:13:45) ireenquench: Nope we tried a lot, though (02/20 15:13:48) zam: no no yeesha :( (02/20 15:13:48) Kiyoshi: It’s a sign (02/20 15:13:50) Sosiqui has had a blast meeting other explorers regardless of Yeesha (02/20 15:14:13) zam: look we even did a spiral (02/20 15:14:13) ireenquench: built a human spiral (02/20 15:14:14) Leonor: Hi Nick (02/20 15:14:14) Thend: Nick, don’t you DRC folk have some sort of way to contact her or something? (02/20 15:14:14) Vortmax laughs (02/20 15:14:28) Vortmax: Yeah, what’s her KI number? :D (02/20 15:14:28) Pryn pictures Yeesha on the DRC speed dial… (02/20 15:14:39) Thend: Like a Yeesha sugnal, a giant Journey Hand on a searchlight
Nick White:
I’ve got her cell number right here.
Pfft! (02/20 15:14:53) Pryn: see? Thought so. (02/20 15:14:53) zam: there are some holes in our spirakl though :( (02/20 15:14:57) Vortmax is amazed! (02/20 15:15:13) ireenquench: Basically we are calling her cause you guys are just as clueless about her as we are and there’s so much stuff going on we want answers to. (02/20 15:15:13) Thend: Cool, KImail it to us, please (02/20 15:15:23) Leonor: People ran off to see the snow (02/20 15:15:36) Pryn: Take your sled, Lenor! (02/20 15:15:46) Thend: Yeah, basically what ireen said (02/20 15:16:51) rw.: NIck, I hear you were in Delin? How is the weather there? Were you taking some readings? (02/20 15:16:51) Pryn: nick, does the DRC have skis for rent? (02/20 15:16:53) zam starts to laugh
Nick White:
Just checking out the snow. Same as it was before.
Nick White:
No skis.
Before? (02/20 15:16:55) Pryn: awww..... (02/20 15:16:55) Vortmax: Cate’s not going to close it, is she? (02/20 15:16:55) zam: snow shoes maybe?
Nick White:
No, no. We knew about these “storms” or weather patterns.
(02/20 15:17:21) Thend nods his head
Nick White:
It’s what prevented Delins’ release the first time around.
does the DRC think the storms will travel to Tsogahl? (02/20 15:17:21) Leonor: See, Thend, I told you it wasn’t Yeesha because of us. (02/20 15:17:23) Vortmax: Right, which is what made me wonder if it’d get closed anow. But I’m glad it won’t :D (02/20 15:17:29) rw.: Are we talking what, white out conditions? Blizzard, Nick?
Nick White:
No, just a nice snow.
So, Nick, like, does the DRC have a sort of ‘Yeesha File’ or something? I mean they MUST know more about her then we do, right?
Nick White:
Beware of any lamp posts and closets.
Point taken Leonor ;) (02/20 15:17:59) ireenquench laughs (02/20 15:18:00) Vortmax laughs (02/20 15:18:04) Sosiqui: Hm, maybe I shouldn’t go back to Relto then (02/20 15:18:10) Sosiqui: that wardrobe, very threatening (02/20 15:18:11) Tallon Enx: :) (02/20 15:18:11) Pauline points (02/20 15:18:23) Pryn: Closets??
Nick White:
The Yeesha file is kept in our biggest vault and very classified.
Nick White:
Only people in suits and black sunglasses can see it.
(02/20 15:18:46) Leonor starts to laugh (02/20 15:18:48) Sosiqui has an image of an alternate DRC Kadish Vault (02/20 15:18:48) Vortmax: Hey Nick, out of sheer curiosity, were those cloths and doors in these Ages when you were investigating them? (02/20 15:18:54) zam starts to laugh (02/20 15:18:57) Thend: Is it.. like, dangerous or something? (02/20 15:19:00) Pryn: That means you can’t sneak it out to show us until after hours in the Cavern - right? (02/20 15:19:07) Grieyls goes off to get black suit and sunglasses
Nick White:
Yes, what Vortmax said, I’m curious about that myself. (02/20 15:19:54) ireenquench nods her head
Nick White:
We saw them sometimes.
Nick White:
But they seem to have been more permanent once we placed the Books.
That’s actually more interesting than either the yes or no I expected…
Nick White:
I”m not sure - I wasn’t there that often.
Hm. Interesting. (02/20 15:20:45) ireenquench: Whats your take on them? (02/20 15:20:48) Sosiqui: Maybe it’s another instancing phenomenon. Especially if the doors were flickering…
Nick White:
But I know we don’t have much control over that stuff.
So it could be that Yeesha is changing the ages as you release them? (02/20 15:21:25) William Clark: woah
Nick White:
Yeesha is beyond me. I don’t know what she can and can not do. Same with the Bahro.
William Clark:
Did I walk into something important? (02/20 15:21:40) Vortmax: She’s beyond all of us, I think…
Nick White:
But I don’t think there is much they can’t do…
Same with us - but we had to try something. And if nothing else, we had a good time today. (02/20 15:22:00) Thend nods his head (02/20 15:22:03) zam nods her head (02/20 15:22:07) ireenquench: Yah, same here, unfortunatly, yet all these things happen and I really want to get to the bottom of things. (02/20 15:22:08) William Clark: except Dance. Bahro Can’t dance :P
Nick White:
That’s all that matters, I suppose.
what are we doing again? (02/20 15:22:15) Pryn: Has there been any recent word from Doug Sharper? Is he planning on coming back soon? (02/20 15:22:19) Thend: We justhaven’t seen her in awhile. Think she could even be deaad
Nick White:
Or related to Lexie ;) (02/20 15:22:33) William Clark: What did I walk into? (02/20 15:22:37) Sosiqui: It’d be very interesting to see Sharper down here again. (02/20 15:22:37) Vortmax laughs (02/20 15:22:46) Sosiqui: William: this is the tail end of the explorer attempt to contact Yeesha. (02/20 15:22:47) Vortmax: William, we’re trying to “call” Yeesha (02/20 15:23:00) zam: we were doiung an vent to wall yeesha William (02/20 15:23:02) William Clark: Oh god, I saw the post and I thought I’d never get the time (02/20 15:23:03) Pryn: And so far, we’ve netted Nick! (02/20 15:23:03) Miranna: Shorah all (02/20 15:23:07) zam: we have been here for 4 hours (02/20 15:23:10) ireenquench: Find out whats going on (02/20 15:23:16) zam: butb she did not show up lol
Nick White:
That’s amazing.
Nick, Yeesha, they’re both good at D’ni prophecy in some way or another. ;)
Nick White:
Four hours! Wow.
William Clark:
Nick White? Who is he?
Nick White:
You all are persistent at least.
we made a huge human spiral (02/20 15:23:38) Sosiqui: It was a nice wide time spread so that explorers from many home times ccould attend. (02/20 15:23:42) Thend: A DRC translator
Nick White:
William, c’mon. The coolest DRC member around.
William Clark:
sorry (02/20 15:23:55) Vortmax: Seriously. (02/20 15:23:57) William Clark: I need someone to explain the DRC to me (02/20 15:23:58) Thend starts to laugh (02/20 15:24:06) William Clark looks down (02/20 15:24:11) Sosiqui: The DRC are restoring and exploring the Cavern, William. (02/20 15:24:18) zam: DRC = D’ni testauration coucil (02/20 15:24:18) William Clark: Been a bit busy as of late (02/20 15:24:22) Sosiqui: They’re archeologists and translators, etc. (02/20 15:24:24) ireenquench: Nick, can you explain the DRC? LOL (02/20 15:24:25) William Clark: I knew what the DRC is (02/20 15:24:28) zam: Nick is a DRc member
Nick White:
You guys are doing a great job.
William Clark:
I just havent had time to see what they’ve been doing after we’ve opened (02/20 15:24:45) zam: so isntead of having yeeshae we got Nickl showing up (02/20 15:24:45) Sosiqui: Oh, my apologies. I thought you might have been new to the Cavern. There are lots of newcomers now. (02/20 15:24:47) Vortmax: The DRC are pure evil and you must avoid them at all costs!!!11!eleven!1 (02/20 15:24:47) Grieyls: We try our best (02/20 15:24:48) Thend: ireen, could you phrase your question more nebuloulsy please? (02/20 15:24:48) zam: not too bad (02/20 15:24:49) Vortmax laughs (02/20 15:25:06) William Clark falls over laughing (02/20 15:25:24) Aaron Alexander: If nothing else, I had some really great conversations in the egg room about Yeesha, the journey, the bahro… speculation, but very interesting. :) (02/20 15:25:26) Sosiqui: Too bad we don’t have the huge spiral anymore, but it was awesome while it lasted. (02/20 15:25:34) zam: by the way Nick, what did the DRC do of the museum door? (02/20 15:25:41) Vortmax: Thanks folks, I’ll be here all week. Remember to tip your wait staff. :P (02/20 15:25:46) ireenquench: I’ll go back to leaning to enhance the spiraly symbolism (02/20 15:25:51) Thend: Nick, what’s the DRC up to? We hardly see them anymore. And is Lexie planning on coming down here anytime soon? (02/20 15:25:53) Sosiqui throws a dollar bill at Vortmax (02/20 15:25:56) William Clark: so Nick, Is the DRC going to give us all book to the Garden Ages? (02/20 15:26:08) William Clark: and I saw posts of a snowy Delin (02/20 15:26:13) ireenquench leans right (02/20 15:26:15) Leonor: I think we should do a Bevin just for the purpose… I know I said this before, but… (02/20 15:26:16) William Clark: will we be seeing that? (02/20 15:26:22) Miranna: i was in Delin and there is snow (02/20 15:26:24) Zeon: yes, snowy Delin, it’s very nice :) (02/20 15:26:26) zam leans right
Nick White:
Gotta run all.
We’ll be going to Delin in half an hour. (02/20 15:26:34) William Clark: I can’t find a Delib (02/20 15:26:35) Vortmax: I don’t think we need aspecial Bevin for this. Just being in D’ni should be enough. (02/20 15:26:39) Leonor: Bye Nick
Nick White:
Check out those Museum doors.