Nick in snowy Eder Delin

Date: 2007-02-20
Location: The Great Tree’s Eder Delin
Logged By: (unknown)

Hi, Nick! (02/21 00:01:03) Eleri: I sat in the Tsoghal one for a good 10 minutes the other night. (02/21 00:01:05) gelf56: missed (02/21 00:01:10) Junee: Hi Nick (02/21 00:01:12) Eleri: the door is transparent from the inside! (02/21 00:01:30) gelf56: nick you need to wear a hat!
Nick White:
What’s up guys?
cold feet lol
Nick White:
Need a jacket.
snowflakes! But they’re coming down (02/21 00:01:43) Kedry: Well, if you didn’t notice, it’s snowing! :D (02/21 00:01:43) Gadren: not much…enjoying the nice weather (02/21 00:01:48) Gadren: brr
Nick White:
Told you the storm was coming....
wimps. who needs shoes! (02/21 00:02:08) Gadren: heh…is this what Yeesha meant? (02/21 00:02:09) gelf56: the storm wasn’t to bad then? (02/21 00:02:17) Kedry: Good thing I’m dressed for the occasion. (02/21 00:02:18) Gadren: Eleri, are you a hobbit?
Nick White:
No not too bad.
Whoa! (02/21 00:02:29) Junee: Hi Whilyam (02/21 00:02:39) Gadren: hi whilyam (02/21 00:02:41) Kedry throws a snowball at Nick (02/21 00:02:50) Eleri: might it snow more? Or is this about it? (02/21 00:03:02) Gadren: i notice the floating statue isn’t rotating…there goes that one theory about it controlling the weather
Nick White wipes snow off of his face and gets mad.
(02/21 00:03:09) Eleri flops and makes a snow angel (02/21 00:03:09) Kedry: Hehe (02/21 00:03:28) Junee: I wonder where the other birds migrated (02/21 00:03:32) Whilyam: Wow… very interesting
Nick White:
Anyone seen “Heaven”?
What do you mean? (02/21 00:03:55) Whilyam: No. (02/21 00:04:01) Gadren pokes himself in the arm (02/21 00:04:01) Kedry: This has hapened where I live on the surface before. All the birds think the snow will never come and stay. :P (02/21 00:04:05) Gadren: I think I’m still alive
Nick White:
Some girl’s name.
Oh (02/21 00:04:31) Whilyam taunts you (02/21 00:04:31) Whilyam: Nick’s girlfriend :P (02/21 00:04:32) Eleri: No, haven’t seen her (02/21 00:04:36) Gadren: Shorah Halvor (02/21 00:04:43) gelf56: you got her ki number? (02/21 00:04:45) Rivenorth: it’s so very nice - snoooow:) (02/21 00:04:45) Kedry: Hi, Halvor! (02/21 00:04:51) Junee: shorah halvor
Nick White:
Nick White:
Of course.
Gadren rolls Whilyam into a giant snowball and pushes him down the stairs (02/21 00:05:13) Whilyam: EEeeeeeeee.... (02/21 00:05:28) Rivenorth: ok (02/21 00:05:37) Gadren: Shorah Tweek! (02/21 00:05:37) Whilyam: Hey, Nick. Blake was in the City earlier (02/21 00:05:38) Halvor: what’s up Nick?
Nick White covers up some yellow snow.
O_o (02/21 00:05:47) Junee throws a big snowball on Gadren (02/21 00:06:00) Kedry: Hey, Nick. Could you hold still for a sec? :P (02/21 00:06:02) Gadren flinches (02/21 00:06:06) Eleri: *chuckle* (02/21 00:06:07) Halvor throws snowballs at you
Nick White:
Not really.
(02/21 00:06:13) Gadren starts to laugh (02/21 00:06:22) Whilyam: Blake said that he’d see “what excuse” the DRC had for opening the Museum and putting barrels in front of it. Do you know what happened? (02/21 00:06:25) gelf56: to cold to hold still
Nick White:
Nick White:
Haven’t heard that one.
Nick White:
I don’t think we opened it.
Blake said he was going to a meeting (02/21 00:06:59) Kedry: Well, the door’s opening, anyway. (02/21 00:07:06) Whilyam: “I’ll see what excuse they have for that.”
Nick White:
Not sure.
The door tothe museum is open, with two barricades in front (02/21 00:07:23) Tweek: that could explain why he ran when I asked him a question about accounts
Nick White:
What’s this Yeesha thing going on?
dunno (02/21 00:07:44) Gadren: apparently people are trying to call Yeesha or something like that
Nick White:
Where is it?
40+ people making a spiral shape in sil oh wet’s bevin (02/21 00:07:48) Tweek: the explorers are gathering to try and get Yeesha to show up in the Cavern (02/21 00:07:50) Gadren: I’m not big into seances (02/21 00:07:52) Kedry: Yeesha’s new journey. :D
Nick White:
Me neither Gadren.
Nick White:
I might go and make fun of them though.
it’s a nifty idea, though (02/21 00:08:20) Whilyam starts to laugh (02/21 00:08:20) Gadren: Well, it gets people into the Cavern…that’s good
Nick White:
It’s nifty to make a symbol I guess.
yeah, it makes some nice art :) (02/21 00:08:45) gelf56: (02/21 00:08:46) Kedry: Haven’t seen snow in a while… (02/21 00:08:55) Eleri: the Bahro will come and make bemused noises at them (02/21 00:08:56) Gadren: I’ve seen too much of it back at home
Nick White:
Well I suppose I need to go and check it out.
(02/21 00:09:06) Tweek wonders if the DRC would notice him selling Linking Books on the sly to raise some funds (02/21 00:09:07) Whilyam: So, you have any idea as to why the Museum door is open, Nick? (02/21 00:09:07) Rivenorth: i am used to snow - i am from Norway (02/21 00:09:19) Gadren: But we always got the snow on the weekends, so no snow days, but I have to shovel
Nick White:
I didn’t even know it was open.
Nick White:
Better look at that too.
Nick White:
That’s two things I have to do.
Nick White:
I better run.
Nick White:
Talk to you guys later.
Only two? :P (02/21 00:09:45) Tweek: cya nick
Nick White:
Have fun in the snow…
OK, good luck :) (02/21 00:09:50) Kedry: See you later. (02/21 00:09:51) Whilyam: Shorah, Nick. (02/21 00:09:52) Eleri: Maybe Engberg is futzing with is, like the Gallery door
Nick White:
Two I can let you know about.