Sharper and Engberg in Ae’gura

Date: 2003-11-25
Location: Ae’gura
Logged By: Moranda

Blue Max:
What do you mean don’t stand so close? I haven’t seen you at all in the past few minutes
Douglas Sharper:
Look cold Rivenchan.
(laughs) you’re afraid of crowds, Doug? (11/25 19:28:25) D’Airyair: you have to find the goggles and look underwater (11/25 19:28:37) Rivenchan: i’m always cold. besides, we’re in a cave - it’s warranted :P (11/25 19:30:05) Blue Max points (11/25 19:30:07) Rivenchan: anyway.. you’ve probably known Shroomie longer than any of us have, have you noticed anything more about her? besides that she’s afraid of loud things? (11/25 19:30:24) jimmyjack: they took a bunch of cones and barricades away for your debut
Douglas Sharper:
Of course.
Have you noticed anything more about her that you’d be willing to share with the group..? ^_^
Douglas Sharper:
What would you like to know?
any tips on how to lure her into the main lagoon? (11/25 19:31:34) Rivenchan: or even, how to lure her to the spore machine?
Douglas Sharper:
She’s been scared lately. Maybe all the people. As I told a group yesterday I’m working on some ways to get her closer.
shorah tay this is beta tester Atrus
Douglas Sharper:
The pods are moving further out.
Douglas Sharper:
Migration maybe. Not sure.
wow, neat :) you think you’ll be studying it, or will you be too caught up in restoring your new pub?
Douglas Sharper:
A little of both Rivenchan.
Blue Max:
Hmmm… I’ve got an appointment on the surface, so I’ll make my way down in a bit. Thanks for the info DS! (11/25 19:33:35) Rivenchan: Bye Blue ^_^ (11/25 19:33:38) Moranda: seems that the study of Shroomie could be full time job (11/25 19:33:42) Moranda: By blue (11/25 19:34:08) Rivenchan: What made you take up the pub restoration? Planning to instal a tv and turn it into a sports bar? ^_^
Douglas Sharper:
No, no. Explorer’s Pub.
Drew Kempa:
If anyone can here me. Move the barriers! We have been called here (11/25 19:34:49) Rivenchan: Explorer’s pub? what will set it apart from the pub we already have here?
Douglas Sharper:
Maybe bring down some trophies from the surface.
shorah all (11/25 19:35:11) Rivenchan: what kind of trophies do you have? (11/25 19:35:18) Veovis: the barriers have been up for a realy LONG time even in the beta test! (11/25 19:35:40) YOL: Shorah
Douglas Sharper:
Mr. Engberg. How goes it?
Greetings, Engberg ^_^ (11/25 19:36:24) Rivenchan: What kind of trophies do you have, Mr. Sharper? Hunting? sports? (11/25 19:36:26) Moranda: HI Michael
Michael Engberg:
Hello everyone
Douglas Sharper:
Calmed down any yet Engberg?
Douglas Sharper:
Michael Engberg:
Sorry.. I was having KI problems..
What do you hunt usually? (11/25 19:37:03) Navra: Hi Michael
Michael Engberg:
Douglas, Douglas.. when will you learn..
Douglas Sharper:
Ah, all sorts. Lions, Tigers, Bear, Elk. You name it.
Douglas Sharper:
What’s that Michael?
i can’t wait to get into the city (11/25 19:37:34) Rivenchan: Wow, i thought you needed special liscences to hunt that sort of thing (11/25 19:37:38) Graphite: here (11/25 19:37:53) Tah: Why is everyone else so quiet?
Douglas Sharper:
Nice of the DRC to finally show up. Glad they sent you Engberg.
Michael Engberg:
I’m always calm..,but we must follow rules..
dinno? (11/25 19:38:13) Tah: make new rules. Please (11/25 19:38:20) Rivenchan: What rules in particular, Engberg? :)
Michael Engberg:
So.. talking about your “wild ” hunting stories?
hard to speak to 20 person ,but one …maybe
Douglas Sharper:
Just about the Explorer’s Pub.
erg… I just want to visit the library (11/25 19:39:06) Rivenchan: What will make the Explorer’s pub different from the pub we have on Ae’gura? (11/25 19:39:13) Rivenchan: Besides location, of course
Michael Engberg:
RivenChan.. just follow what the DRC asks.. and all will be safe
Engberg> in that case, could you recap me in what the DRC asks? :) (11/25 19:39:46) Tah: Michael…I disagree. We can “look” and yet not spoil anything or harm ourselves
Michael Engberg:
How is the Pub coming.. I should came check it out soon..
ihavebeeneverywhere in this city… you cant harm your self! (11/25 19:40:41) Graphite: when have you ever been able to harm yourself? (11/25 19:40:42) Tah: Memi back! YEah (11/25 19:40:53) Rivenchan: How is the pub coming along, Mr. Sharper? :)
Douglas Sharper:
Moranda Shorah!
Michael Engberg:
Rivenchan, just use DRC authorized linking books, stay away for unsafe spots.
have you had any restoration troubles? (11/25 19:41:29) Moranda: Shoarah, Graphite (11/25 19:41:47) Graphite: grr… they blocked off the bar too (11/25 19:41:48) Veovis: someone fell through below the middle stairs
Michael Engberg:
Graphite.. it has happened..
Douglas, have you had any troubles restoring your pub? any insteresting discoveries?
Michael Engberg:
We opened the stairs today..
Michael Engberg:
Progress is moving a long nicely
Engberg> (laughs) we noticed.. you DRC folk have a cruel sense of humor :P (11/25 19:43:36) Moranda: When can we expect something new..........the stairs don’t do much good without a destination (11/25 19:44:54) Rivenchan: when do you think you’ll open up the main courtyard?
Michael Engberg:
That was humorous??
Drew Kempa:
Mr Engberg, what is the DRC stance on local wildlife… Namely, the incidents of Shroomie attack? (11/25 19:45:05) Tah: Hello douglas. how do you lean like that (11/25 19:45:19) Drew Kempa: Perhaps Douglas can comment? (11/25 19:45:40) Rivenchan: I thought it was :P Renegade explorers had already found a way over the pylons blocking the stairs off - this was just making their exploration official (11/25 19:46:24) Rivenchan: do you think this will become a common practice? Letting renegades have access to areas before they’re opened by the DRC?
Michael Engberg:
Shroomie attacks?
ok....lets go on to next floor (11/25 19:46:45) Drew Kempa: It has been rumoured… (11/25 19:47:03) Rivenchan: There’s always the possibility (11/25 19:47:25) Tah: HI dug
Michael Engberg:
Rivenchan.. just follow the DRC and be safe..
HI dug (11/25 19:47:53) Rivenchan: Aw, shucks, but that’s no fun (11/25 19:48:03) Rivenchan: Does the DRC not have a very sound insurance policy? (11/25 19:48:04) Tah: Hello Michael. Why should we be “Safe (11/25 19:48:16) Rivenchan: Welcome back Doug ^_^
Michael Engberg:
Fun? So is that why we are down here?
Douglas Sharper:
Thank you.
I suppose so, we’re not really allowed to help with the restoration yet, are we? (11/25 19:48:52) Rivenchan: so what else is there but fun? (11/25 19:48:56) Tah: Michael…no. I want to explore and take in the beauty.
Michael Engberg:
Hey everyone.. lets all go and destroy the cavern.. doesn’t that sound fun?
Maybe the cavern really was opened too quickly (11/25 19:49:29) Rivenchan: lol ^_^ (11/25 19:49:31) Tah: Michael…just why would you think we would destroy it. (11/25 19:49:36) Moranda: I am down here to explore and study this wonderous place, but am stymied by not having anywhere to go
Michael Engberg:
Listen to the rules and areas will be opened faster..
Drew Kempa:
Mr Sharper, are you still hunting local wildlife…? (11/25 19:49:56) Veovis: shouts to all *Let us onece again have a sit in protest for them to open the reest of the age!*
Douglas Sharper:
Local? I try to respect the local wildlife as much as possible.
Michael Engberg:
Break the rules.. and well wait around for things to open.
Douglas Sharper:
And stay within DRC rules.
Michael change the rules (11/25 19:50:27) Drew Kempa: So you deny hunting the local wildlife of Teledahn? (11/25 19:50:44) Alex Rivadeneira: Mr. Engberg, do you enjoy your job? :)
Michael Engberg:
Douglas.. they said shroomie attacks..
I hate to keep asking but has anyone founf the realto islands?
Michael Engberg:
do you know about anything ?
Douglas Sharper:
She can.
(11/25 19:51:21) Alex Rivadeneira does a dance (11/25 19:51:26) Tah: Michael....about what specifically
Douglas Sharper:
But you have to get very close.
everyone /sit
Michael Engberg:
Douglas.. should I came and check Teledahn?
Michael Engberg:
opps .. come..
I dont think you have much to worry about, Engberg (11/25 19:52:03) Tah: onery aren’t you....
Douglas Sharper:
I wish you would come if that will help approve it.
Michael Engberg:
Tah.. who?
Douglas Sharper:
It looks pretty stupid for the DRC to not approve the Age when everyone is going there anyway.
With the number of explorers cavorting around, Shroomie’s gotten kinda scared, Doug and i think she might be hiding
Michael Engberg:
Doug we have had this talk..
Michael Engberg:
in a public forum please..
Michael, you (11/25 19:53:08) Drew Kempa: I’m sorry, but I’ve read Mr Sharper’s notes…
Michael Engberg:
please don’t talk about .. what the DRC has said..
Jared White:
Shorah, everyone. It’s good to be back in D’ni. Had to leave for a few weeks....
Douglas Sharper:
What the? You’ve read what notes?
What has the DRC said? (11/25 19:54:10) Jared White: Sorry to interrupt, but it’s great to finally meet a couple of DRC members.
Michael Engberg:
Rivenchan.. can’t talk talk about it at this time..
Michael....then change the rules and let us look…
Michael Engberg:
hello Jared
Why can’t you talk about it? is it classified? (11/25 19:55:32) Tah: YOL hello, Northern Idaho for me
Michael Engberg:
Rivenchan .. yes..
Okay Michael, what about all the different agenda’s poeple of “power” seem to have down here? I has to be counterproductive to the restoration. (11/25 19:56:02) Rivenchan: Is there a lot of classified material floating around the DRC?
Michael Engberg:
Tah, change 5 years of rules for some new people.. who think they should get special treatment?
Jared White:
California for me. (11/25 19:56:50) Tah: Michael we are adults. WE are careful why not
Michael Engberg:
RivenCHan.. hope to release some of it soon..
(laughs) Have you had to change very many rules for us? If anything, it feels like cavern life has gotten stricter (11/25 19:57:26) Tah: Michael…why not now. Rules can be changed
Michael Engberg:
Different agenda?
MIchael LOOK at the people here. Do we look like we would do anything to hurt this place (11/25 19:58:11) Rivenchan: What kind of materials do you hope to release?
Douglas Sharper:
I’ve heard Dr. K. proposing unclasifying some information. What do you think Engberg?
Dr. Kodama?? Wanting to UNclassify materials? are we talking about the same man here, lol?
Michael Engberg:
Doug, I think to much.. to soon..
what i would do for a kortrena right now!
Douglas Sharper:
Of course you do.
(11/25 19:59:13) Veovis does a dance
Michael Engberg:
aww Douglas..
Doug, do you think the DRC should declassify more of it’s documents? (11/25 19:59:38) Alex Rivadeneira laughs (11/25 19:59:46) Rivenchan: (by the way, are you alright with me calling you Doug?)
Douglas Sharper:
Yes. I hope Dr. K. can convince some of the others.
How do the others feel about it?
Douglas Sharper:
That’s fine.
Michael Engberg:
I think they should give out some documents..,but what Dr. K wants to give is way to much.
Douglas Sharper:
Ask Engberg how they feel.
what does Kodama want to give? (11/25 20:00:44) Tah: Michael....we can handle it. (11/25 20:00:55) Tah: Why is everyone so quiet? (11/25 20:01:08) orlando: i was just wondering that myself
Douglas Sharper:
More Age information.
hehe, maybe i’ve lulled everyone to sleep with my boring questions (11/25 20:01:25) Veovis: who here has read the myst books? (11/25 20:01:37) memiki: maybe we just can’t hear them talking. (11/25 20:01:40) Tah: Memi yep (11/25 20:01:42) Moranda: well, I have come to the conclusion that barricades are for political safety and not personal safety. Same with keeping all this infomraiont classified. It is a ruse to ” keep all the nosey exploreres in line” (11/25 20:02:02) memiki: Isn’t that what explorers do tho.
Michael Engberg:
most people reserved on the issue.
Mind me… but heh… you guys are somewhat intimidating.... (11/25 20:02:17) Veovis: who remembers what is under the liberarry floor :-) (11/25 20:02:35) Moranda: I do (11/25 20:02:51) Tah: many have already explored. It is pointless to keep us out (11/25 20:02:53) Veovis: good… i cant wait to see that (11/25 20:02:57) Rivenchan: Ah! good question! Did you find the book to Terahnee in the library, guys? (11/25 20:03:07) Rivenchan: Or did Atrus remove it? (11/25 20:03:09) Drew Kempa: Assuming the books are a true account…
Douglas Sharper:
This would be age information you haven’t heard yet. Ages whose names you have never heard.
Douglas Sharper:
Ages I’ve never heard.
Michael Engberg:
.. Dr K is talking to people.. We don’t know what we will do about that issue..
or i (11/25 20:03:31) Tah: Douglas....someone has (11/25 20:03:35) Rivenchan: So are you still finding lots of ages?
Michael Engberg:
Well got to go..
Michael Engberg:
Drew Kempa:
Bye Michael (11/25 20:04:01) Rivenchan: Aww, when do you think you’ll be dropping by again?
Douglas Sharper:
Tell everyone at the Council hi for me.
GOodbye michael (11/25 20:04:12) Rivenchan: Will you be staying, Doug? (11/25 20:04:18) Moranda: Nice of you to stop by Michael, take care
Douglas Sharper:
I might go play some Heek actually.
Oh? Are you very good at it? ^_^ (11/25 20:05:07) Moranda: I’ll take you on in a game, Doug
Douglas Sharper:
Don’t know if I would say that.
Douglas Sharper:
Alright let’s go.
which hood?
Douglas Sharper:
I hope Engberg doens’t go whining to the DRC now.
(laughs) Does Engberg whine a lot?
Douglas Sharper:
I don’t think he liked me bringing up the proposal in front of you all.
Douglas Sharper:
Probably a bad move on my part.
Do you think you’ll get in trouble for it? (11/25 20:06:18) Moranda: awe gotta push the envelope a little Doug (11/25 20:06:19) Tah: sorry orland[
Douglas Sharper:
I agree. Just can’t too much. I don’t want my pub taken away.
Tah: you see how many of us are here and willing to explore (11/25 20:06:50) Moranda: understand that, (11/25 20:07:01) Rivenchan: Do they have a history of taking away projects from people they’re unhappy with? (11/25 20:07:05) Navra: Not neccessarily Douglas, you have a lot of freinds behind you! (11/25 20:07:17) Drew Kempa: You having renovations done in the pub? (11/25 20:07:19) Tah: This is an amazing group of people
Douglas Sharper:
I’m somewhat of a special case. They usually don’t give projects to non-members.
How did you weasel your way in? ^_^
Douglas Sharper:
Ha! They don’t control those link stones friend.
(prepares to take notes ^_~)
Douglas Sharper:
They take them away - that’s about it.
Jared White:
I’m sorry, I think I missed some of this conversation. In a nutshell, what did you propose, Douglas?
Douglas Sharper:
I was early on enough. Knew some people. They trusted me.
How often do they assign people new areas to restore?
Douglas Sharper:
It’s Dr. K’s proposal. I only brought it up.
Douglas Sharper:
Fairly often. they have a lot going on - that’s what Dr. K. woud like to share with you all.
And which people did you know to get in? (11/25 20:09:30) Moranda: For what its worth, I think Dr. K is on the right track
Douglas Sharper:
Well, it’s been fun but I should go.
Douglas Sharper:
I agree.
Are you still friends with those people now? you seem to be on shakey ground with the DRC, afterall (11/25 20:09:59) Jared White: Thanks Douglas.
Douglas Sharper:
I’m going to play some Heek and head back to Teledahn.
Which neighborhood do you think you’ll play in? ^_^
Douglas Sharper:
We’re all on talking terms. I’m closer with some than others.
Drew Kempa:
Douglas Sharper:
Hm, not sure. What’s a good one?
Greeters (11/25 20:10:55) Navra: I think I’ll call it a night too. Goodnight everyone. (11/25 20:11:04) Tah: Goodnight Navra (11/25 20:11:12) Moranda: Night Navrah (11/25 20:11:13) Rivenchan: Greeters is often crowded, though (11/25 20:11:24) Moranda: yah.....MYst Island
Douglas Sharper:
I’ll try Myst Island. Talk to you all later.