Engberg discovers explorers that sneaked into the City

Some explorers found a loose Nexus Linking Book and linked to the City before it was approved by the DRC.

Date: 2003-11-18
Location: Kahlo Pub in Ae’gura
Logged By: Christoph05

yeah that disappearing act was, a little freaky (11/19 00:33:19) Garvin: have a drink, Mr Engberg?
Michael Engberg:
enjoy this for now.. and the DRC will have to have a meeting to see if really want it open..
So were do you get teh greeter shirts?
Michael Engberg:
i don’t drink..
soda? (11/19 00:34:10) UbiqriD’NIculous: that’s good, because we have no drinks (11/19 00:34:10) Daniel: Mix me up a Geotherm Gin. On the rocks (11/19 00:34:20) UbiqriD’NIculous: well, you know that (11/19 00:34:20) Dalamith: comin up daniel (11/19 00:34:27) Daniel: bless you (11/19 00:34:29) Dalamith: here you go (11/19 00:34:33) Garvin: Then give us purpose, Mr. Engberg (11/19 00:34:36) Zardoz: I was mixing the drink (11/19 00:34:46) UbiqriD’NIculous: the jumping seems a touch unsafe to me, more than the drinking (11/19 00:34:49) Archais: I couldn’t get the drink … apparently its too heavy
Michael Engberg:
So.. all I ask is becarefull ok
I should stick to feathers
Michael Engberg:
any other questions?
You’ve got it Mr. Engberg (11/19 00:35:06) Archais: but there are no feathers (11/19 00:35:08) UbiqriD’NIculous: are there any first aid kits in the city, mr. engberg? (11/19 00:35:13) Daniel: There were qquestions? I didn’t hear down.gif (11/19 00:35:15) Dalamith: no problem. i don’t think abunch of drunk explorers can do too much harm (11/19 00:35:18) Dalamith: just kidding (11/19 00:35:22) Archais: cool your back (11/19 00:35:32) Christoph05: Where can I find a bed, i’d like to take a nap before going back to the surface.
Michael Engberg:
no.. only on the surface..
in case of accidents, i mean (11/19 00:35:47) UbiqriD’NIculous: OK, may I bring some down?
Michael Engberg:
nap in the neighborhood..
ok, sleep in the fountain and get pneumonia right? (11/19 00:36:04) Dusante: gee, thats pretty far to go, especially if you have a serious injury
Michael Engberg:
Ubi.. follow the DRC and there won’t be any..
nah, there’s no water in the fountain yet (11/19 00:36:13) UbiqriD’NIculous: it seems a bit odd to leave such things on the surface (11/19 00:36:15) Blue Max: Well, the waters’ still turned off… (11/19 00:36:15) Dusante: i should get one for my relto (11/19 00:36:21) Archais: So who is the Dn’i that was referred to in the letter on the Baron’s City Office Desk?? (11/19 00:36:27) UbiqriD’NIculous: well, you do look quite healthy (11/19 00:36:30) Daniel: I keep some stuff at my relto. Man. There was this lava incident once..I won’t get into it (11/19 00:36:30) UbiqriD’NIculous: :) (11/19 00:36:38) Archais: Has the DRC seen him/her around?
Michael Engberg:
what letter?
I’ve seen some barefoot people near the ferry, that’s what made me concerned (11/19 00:37:11) Archais: There is a letter on the Baron’s Desk that talks about the DRC meeting a Dn’i that survived
Michael Engberg:
I don’t go reading other peoples stuff
Michael Engberg:
so I don’t know..
::whistles innocently:: (11/19 00:37:40) Christoph05: Is it possible that Douglas Sharper will come visit us soon? (11/19 00:37:56) UbiqriD’NIculous: yeah, isn’t he supposed to be fixing this place up, Michael?
Michael Engberg:
chris.. maybe.. I’ll see if i can talk to nick about talking to him..
thanks (11/19 00:38:36) Zardoz waves
Michael Engberg:
Ubi.. another reason to close it..
Is he that wreckless?? (11/19 00:39:03) Archais: So when do you think the rest of the city will be open
Michael Engberg:
Did you guys know Nick visited the DRC 1 today..
yeah i saw nick for a bit (11/19 00:39:28) Garvin: yeah (11/19 00:39:28) Daniel: I visited DRC1 today. i saw Ka’tie and Rand..and a camera (11/19 00:39:29) Dalamith: was he the one who took the video camera? (11/19 00:39:31) Christoph05: I was on the surface all day. Missed him (11/19 00:39:44) Daniel: Rand was..very Zoned Out (11/19 00:40:00) Archais: Cool when was Rand down here?
Michael Engberg:
I heard Kodama had a conversation with someone too..
man i had to be on the surface all day. i wish i could have met them (11/19 00:40:18) Daniel: Oh yeah. I think i remember Kodama as well.
Michael Engberg:
lets say Kodama can be harsh…
I tried to meet with him the other time he was here but traffic was to bad (11/19 00:40:39) UbiqriD’NIculous: is there any security down here, other than the Council members?
Michael Engberg:
bi.. not yet
what did kod say?
Michael Engberg:
so there will be? (11/19 00:41:22) Archais: So is the DRC working on fixing one of the boats? (11/19 00:41:37) Christoph05: How do the barriers manage to keep us from going over them?? Some kind of D’Ni magic?
Michael Engberg:
Who knows about if there will be..
Blue Max:
Fixing? Those heaps need a drydock… (11/19 00:41:48) UbiqriD’NIculous: :) (11/19 00:41:58) UbiqriD’NIculous: that’s what I’m trying to find out, Mike
Michael Engberg:
boats.. another thing we might someday get too..
cool (11/19 00:42:20) Dusante: nice
Michael Engberg:
someday.. might be another 5 years…
Blue Max:
If you want a boat it’d be a lot faster and more efficient to hoist down a couple of Zodiacs and jerrycans of gas
Michael Engberg:
oh … not so cool .. heh (11/19 00:42:53) UbiqriD’NIculous: Might I reccomend kickboards for the interim? (11/19 00:42:54) Christoph05: Is that D’ni years or surface years? (11/19 00:42:59) Garvin: 5 years!? (11/19 00:43:12) UbiqriD’NIculous: recommend, that is (11/19 00:43:17) Daniel: Gah. kickboards. Sytrofoam Doom
Michael Engberg:
thsi guys kind of odd, I dare say (11/19 00:43:53) UbiqriD’NIculous: :)
Michael Engberg:
guys i must get going..
Michael Engberg:
again email if you want.. and be safe
Nice to meet you (11/19 00:44:07) Blue Max: OK M.E… have a good night (11/19 00:44:09) Garvin: ok, thanks for stopping by (11/19 00:44:11) Dusante: ok bye (11/19 00:44:13) Christoph05: Thanks for stopping by (11/19 00:44:17) Archais: bye
Michael Engberg waves