Dr. Kodama inspects Zia’s neighbourhood

Date: 2006-12-20, from 11:34 until 11:51
Location: Zia’s neighbourhood
Logged By: ireenquench [Note: Dr. Kodama was found standing in the neighbourhood, looking at his KI] (12/20 19:34:21) Lynh: Hi Ireen (12/20 19:34:30) ireenquench: hello all (12/20 19:34:40) Thend: Excuse me, Doctor, how did the DRC fare during yesterday’s fiasco, and do you know why we all linked? (12/20 19:34:55) Thend: Hello ireen (12/20 19:35:22) zia: Hi Ireen (12/20 19:35:54) ireenquench: Dr. Kodama? Are you very busy? (12/20 19:36:17) ireenquench shrugs (12/20 19:36:31) Lynh: He is answering no one Ireen. He must be very busy (12/20 19:37:00) ireenquench wonders if he is autistic (12/20 19:37:08) Thend: Sorry, don’t mean to ignore anyone, it was just really weird to see a DRC here lol (12/20 19:37:12) Lynh: LOL, Ireen (12/20 19:37:49) zia: yes, Dr Kodama will probably try to escape this place as soon as he can :) (12/20 19:38:02) ireenquench: uhm… has he been here a while? (12/20 19:38:03) Lynh: maybe we should cone him. :) (12/20 19:38:10) Lynh: not too long (12/20 19:38:27) Lynh: Hi Mucol (12/20 19:38:29) zia: Shorah Mucol (12/20 19:38:32) Mucol: Shorah (12/20 19:38:34) Mucol waves (12/20 19:38:36) Thend: Hello Mucol (12/20 19:38:48) Mucol: nice to meet you all (12/20 19:38:55) Lynh: we are just watching to see what Dr. Kodama will do. (12/20 19:39:04) zia: :) (12/20 19:39:15) ireenquench: hi Mucol (12/20 19:39:26) Lynh: the bahro worry me now. (12/20 19:39:35) ireenquench: Kodama seems very busy… and somewhat rude today (12/20 19:39:41) Thend: I’m gonna take a screenie (12/20 19:39:43) Thend shrugs (12/20 19:39:44) Lynh: yes (12/20 19:39:49) zia: yes, ever since yesterday I’m no longer certain of our safety (12/20 19:39:49) ireenquench: He doesn’t speak. (12/20 19:40:13) ireenquench: Maybe he is in shock? (12/20 19:40:16) zia: lol (12/20 19:40:24) ireenquench: Some kind of trauma? (12/20 19:40:25) zia: well, he did move (12/20 19:40:42) zia: from where I first spotted him anyway, but that’s been awhile (12/20 19:40:43) Lynh: he must be taking some reading from this location (12/20 19:41:41) Thend: zia, you could make some serious money here. ‘Pose with Dr. Kodama - 10 bucks a pic!’ (12/20 19:41:49) Lynh: LOL (12/20 19:41:49) zia: lol thend (12/20 19:42:00) Lynh: we should all take turns posing with him (12/20 19:42:00) Thend: A zai Bevin exclusive (12/20 19:42:04) zia: i’m smiling :) (12/20 19:42:07) Thend: Yeah! (12/20 19:42:22) ireenquench: Kodama, I think this place is fairly safe… is it? (12/20 19:42:24) Lynh: ok who’s next (12/20 19:42:27) zia: thanks Lynh (12/20 19:42:35) Thend: Don’t be shy (12/20 19:42:52) ireenquench: Isnt this a bit rude ? (12/20 19:43:02) Lynh: well, he started it. lol (12/20 19:43:08) Thend: HE’S being rude, thiough (12/20 19:43:16) Lynh: thx zia (12/20 19:43:17) Thend nods his head (12/20 19:43:35) ireenquench: We’ll yeah, but we don’t know if he’s having some kind of issue (12/20 19:43:40) Lynh: this is so funny (12/20 19:44:02) zia: well, he seems safe, just preoccupied (12/20 19:44:12) Lynh: I think he may be working on figuring out the bahro thing that happened yesterday (12/20 19:44:37) zia: yes, they said they would be checking things out to ensure safety (12/20 19:44:44) Lynh: I guess we shouldn’t disturb him. (12/20 19:45:29) zia: well, it’s good he’s here to check the safety of this hood (12/20 19:45:33) Lynh: we may frighten him when he is finished what he is doing. (12/20 19:45:47) Mucol: hi GD (12/20 19:45:48) zia: Hi GD (12/20 19:45:52) Lynh: Hi GD (12/20 19:45:54) ireenquench: I’d assume his vision isn’t impaired (12/20 19:45:56) Thend: Hello GD! (12/20 19:46:03) ireenquench: Hi GD.

Shorah all
Dr Kodama seems very busy (12/20 19:46:20) ireenquench: Or in shock (12/20 19:46:20) Thend: Any idea what’s up with Kodama?
Yes.. I think I will go to another hood.
Dr. Kodama:
Sorry, had some work to do.
after yesterday who could blame him (12/20 19:46:42) zia: yes, Dr. We understand
Dr. Kodama:
Talking to some Res Engineers
do you think our neighborhood is safe? (12/20 19:47:02) ireenquench: Oh, you speak! Interesting.
Dr. Kodama:
I believe so.
Dr. Kodama:
We woudn’t have it open otherwise.
that’s good (12/20 19:47:25) Lynh: should we be concerned about the bahro now?
Dr. Kodama:
We are still investigating areas though. Obviously.
yes, i see
Dr. Kodama:
I’m not.
I was wondering if you saw anything on your KI, before it happened… anything special?
Dr. Kodama:
No, I was speaking to Victor.
Dr. Kodama:
He was noticing strange abnormalities in the Lattice.
Dr. Kodama:
Very odd yesterday.
yes, very odd (12/20 19:48:48) ireenquench: Ah ok. I had suspected an unwanted or unexpected visitor.
Dr. Kodama:
But regardless, it’s good to see people coming to the cavern again.
yes, we will not stay away (12/20 19:49:10) zia: well, we figure if you say it’s safe, then it must be ok :)
Dr. Kodama:
It seems we might be able to get this moving again afterall.
Dr. Kodama:
People have expressed frustration at the barricades - I understand.
Dr. Kodama:
But hopefully they won’t be long.
It is good to be back yes. Although the incident makes me wonder whats going on… the Bahro screech indicates its not just some lattice malfunction?
Dr. Kodama:
No the lattice malfunction was a result of something. Not a cause.
Dr. Kodama:
What, we don’t know yet. Looking into it.
Dr. Kodama:
Hopefully we’ll have something soon.
and the bahro could just have been reacting to the same thing (12/20 19:50:54) ireenquench: Oh, I see… so a lot more than our bodies was affected? Anything else besides the lattice abnormal?
Dr. Kodama:
We’re still looking into things. I hate to speculate as rumors begin…
ireenquench laughs (12/20 19:51:33) Lynh: yes, rumors, there is always that (12/20 19:51:35) zia: what, from us :) (12/20 19:51:43) ireenquench: Asking questions gets you to the bottom of things , doesnt it? [Dr. Kodama wanders off to the book room, stands there for a while and links out, without speaking to the explorers any further]