Date: 2007-03-08
Location: The Great Tree neighbourhood
Logged By: Dav’on
Shorah, Nick!
(03/09 00:52:33) Niika: Woah, it’s Nick! Hello
(03/09 00:52:46) Aleks: Hello there. Good to finally meet you.
Nick White:
What’s happening?
Nick White:
Good to meet you.
Not much, it seems. People thought Sharper might happen by today.
Nick White:
He’s pretty busy… I doubt he will.
Nick White:
He’s back though.
Arthur Kalnins:
Sharper isn’t coming down today?
(03/09 00:53:55) Arthur Kalnins: or rather coming in
Ah, there we go. KI is working again.
Nick White:
He’s in the cavern if that’s what you mean.
Hey Nick.
(03/09 00:54:16) Arthur Kalnins: To talk to people
(03/09 00:54:16) Niika: So, the DRC’s accepted him back into the fold?
..and he’s accepted being back in the fold?
Nick White:
Not sure if he’ll go around hoods or anyting - like I said he’s pretty buys.
Cate seems to be rather keen on him, in any case.
Arthur Kalnins:
So what exactly is he working on?
Nick White:
Right now, just setting up shop.
Arthur Kalnins:
In Negilahn?
Arthur Kalnins:
(03/09 00:55:45) Arthur Kalnins: I thought his stuff was all there already
(03/09 00:55:52) Arthur Kalnins: Or are all those crates empty?
(03/09 00:55:55) Gondar: So they have him to resume work? Or is he just setting ‘base camp’ so to speak?
I see. So he will be working on that Teledahn II area, huh?
(03/09 00:56:15) ireenquench: Shorah
(03/09 00:56:15) Gondar: Er, work in Teledahn.
(03/09 00:56:15) Niika: They let him back into Teledahn? Wow
Nick White:
Just “making the rounds”
Nick White:
That kind of stuff.
Arthur Kalnins:
Will he be resuming work on Teledahn?
Nick White:
I suppose eventually.
Arthur Kalnins:
Or continuing in the other areas
Nick White:
I think Negilahn is task one.
checking up on shroomie no doubt
(03/09 00:57:02) Aleks: Ah, I see. He’s gonna see what’s up with the animals, I guess.
Nick White:
I believe so.
In a way it’s good he’s back and about. Hopefully he can figure out how to help the animals there.
Do you still think that it’s some sort of preditor?
Nick White:
Except for the “in a way” part....
Arthur Kalnins:
Nick, I need some clarification here… Has the DRC found Gehn’s Age 233?
(03/09 00:57:44) ireenquench: Do you know anything about why specifially he is going to check up on the Negilahn animals? Seems like an odd choice on Cate’s end.
(03/09 00:57:47) Gondar: Of course..
Nick White:
I think he’s the most experienced with dealing with predatory creatures.
Nick White:
Uh… not that I know of on the Gehn’s Age thing..
So predator is still the current guess? I hope it’s not some wild chase against Bahro.
(03/09 00:59:03) Arthur Kalnins: Cyan put out a statement in their Riven soundtrack that it had been.
(03/09 00:59:09) Arthur Kalnins: Something higher up?
(03/09 00:59:15) Arthur Kalnins: than you.
(03/09 00:59:17) Aleks: Makes sense. Though alien predators could be a very scary thing.
Nick White:
Arthur, not sure what you mean…
Poor Nick.. enough of these grilling sessions and he’ll end up like Kodama. Dry sarcastic wit and a no comment :-D
(03/09 00:59:27) Arthur Kalnins pulls out quote
(03/09 00:59:37) Niika: Do you think he might organize a hunting party?
(03/09 00:59:50) ireenquench shivers
Nick White:
I think he’ll probably want to see what he’s dealing with first.
Nick’s great. He’s the only one who actually talks to us :D
(03/09 01:00:23) Aleks: And the other Pod ages? I hear there’s a population drop in some of them as well?
(03/09 01:00:29) Gondar: Exactly.. and in retrurn we pepper him with questions. Let us know if you mind, Nick..
(03/09 01:00:30) Arthur Kalnins: It mentions “partial translations of this document (parts of Gehn’s journal) provided taken from Gehn’s office during further experditions to age 233.”
Nick White:
Yep - all of them.
Nick White:
Not sure Arthur.
Any idea why that might be?
Nick White:
I don’t have experience with Gehn’s journal.
Must be some strange predator if it does it in ALL ages.
(03/09 01:01:22) Arthur Kalnins: You would understand how that Age would be VERY interesting to see.
(03/09 01:01:25) Aleks: Unless the Bahro are doing it....
Nick White:
The drop has beent he worst in Neg
Nick White:
But slight drops in all of them.
Different predators I assumed ireen. Was there any signs the D’ni had any sort of forced balance to the ages? To keep popul;ation in check?
Nick White:
Yes, Arthur, I do understand that.
All pod ages?
(03/09 01:01:58) ireenquench: I had been thinking Bahro as well, but not predator, rather more : noah’s arch
(03/09 01:02:05) Gondar: Perhaps to ensure people could see creatures who normally would be rare?
Nick White:
They were messing with creature populations a bit it would seem - similar to a zoo.
Might be something set up by the D’ni, true.
(03/09 01:02:31) Gondar: And now that the keepers are gone, the tigers eat the zebras. Yeah. :-
(03/09 01:02:43) Kedry: Hello!
(03/09 01:02:49) Aleks: But its strange that it would take so long, and all at once.
(03/09 01:02:56) Aleks: Across ages, no less.
Nick White:
Yeah, weird stuff.
When did the predation start?
(03/09 01:03:11) Arthur Kalnins: Another thing that’s been going around… Michael Simpson mentioned in his Gahreesen review that the rock pinnacle was the first place the DRC was able to “save a link” Does this mean the DRC wrote a linking book there? If not, what does that mean?
(03/09 01:03:12) Aleks: Are all the pod ages zoo type deals?
Nick White:
Arthur is the journalist for the group I guess.
(03/09 01:03:41) Gondar laughs
(03/09 01:03:45) Arthur Kalnins: Of course.
(03/09 01:03:46) ireenquench laughs
(03/09 01:03:47) Kedry: Nice to meet you in person.
(03/09 01:03:54) Arthur Kalnins: Many mysteries you guys leave us.
(03/09 01:03:57) K’laamas: Shorah, ireen :)
(03/09 01:04:01) cxevalo: is the perdator a large animal or something small that could be carried by contaminated explores?
(03/09 01:04:05) Arthur Kalnins: My job to try and sort them out.
Nick White:
I’d have to see the context there Arthur - I don’t know all of Simpson’s text offhand.
K’laamas! hi!
Nick White:
But I don’t think he was referring to us writing a link at all.
Arthur Kalnins:
Can the DRC write links?
Nick White:
Not that I know of at least.
Are we going to be able to access the other pods anytime soon?
Nick White:
We aren’t writing Books.
Nick White:
Depending on what you mean by soon
(03/09 01:05:23) Seagull looks at watch
(03/09 01:05:24) Seagull: :)
(03/09 01:05:24) Kedry: So I missed the beginning of the conversation, but does Sharper plan on meeting us today?
(03/09 01:05:25) Aleks: What would you mean by soon?
(03/09 01:05:31) Gondar: Any groups set up trying to find out how to write as opposed to just translation? Or is it language first, advanced stuff later?
(03/09 01:05:42) Aleks: Doesn’t seem so Kedry.
Arthur Kalnins:
Context: The rock pinnacle is “The first area since we’ve arrived we were able to save a link”
(03/09 01:05:51) Rils: heyya gang!
(03/09 01:05:53) Kedry: Thanks.
(03/09 01:05:57) Kedry: Rils!
(03/09 01:05:59) Kedry waves
(03/09 01:06:18) ireenquench: Hey Rils
(03/09 01:06:27) Rils waves at all 400 people in the hood
(03/09 01:07:05) Niika: Is Neghilan the DRC’s biggest concern at the moment?
(03/09 01:07:16) Rils: Perhaps I missed it earlier… Nick, what evidence are finding in Negilahn as to why the animals are disappearing?
Nick White:
I think there are qutie a few concerns - that’s one of the.
Rils: Nick mentioned the predator theory again.
(03/09 01:07:59) Gondar: You did miss it Rils. They had the age set up like a zoo, and now without zookeepers the predators are runing wild. Or at least that’s waht I got…
(03/09 01:08:10) Rils: any ideas what the predator is? Big? Microscopic?
(03/09 01:08:21) Arthur Kalnins: Alright.. one last question and I’ll leave you alone. Where is the Ae’gura Aquarium? Where’s the Arch museum for that matter?
(03/09 01:08:29) Seagull: Could it fit through the pod crack? :(
Nick White:
Not really… again, hopefully Sharper will give us some more information on the whole Neg thing.
When *will* we be seeing Sharper?
Nick White:
As far as the musuem and aquarium… confidential Arthur.
(03/09 01:09:07) Arthur Kalnins starts to laugh
Nick White:
Don’t want you storming the place with a video camera.
(03/09 01:09:18) Kedry roars with laughter
(03/09 01:09:20) ireenquench laughs
(03/09 01:09:25) Kedry: Or KICamera! :P
(03/09 01:09:28) Aleks: What about that new age, what it looks like and what the purpose was? Confidential also?
(03/09 01:09:30) Rils: Nick, we also have a whole group of us in the DZS who are willing to help do reaserch on the Negilahn problem!
(03/09 01:09:47) Gondar: Oh! What about the hood game room? Is it that closed door down by the water? Or somewhere we can’t get to at all yet?
Yes. Is there any way the explorer population can help the DRC out?
Nick White:
Purpose…maybe training of some kind?
Nick White:
Not quite sure yet.
Training? Like marathon running?
(03/09 01:10:47) Aleks: Perhaps another maintaner age?
(03/09 01:11:00) Arthur Kalnins: Well since all my questions got no answers I’ll have to go back on what I said… last question.. Is there any danger presented by the crack in the Negilahn pod? Any signs of what made it?
Nick White:
I think just time.
(03/09 01:11:24) hailahh: Nick, this is going to sound like a dumb question, but… on the surface, we’re jumping early to Daylight Saving Time on Sunday I hear. Seems like we don’t need it down here! but will the cavern go to dst too?
(03/09 01:11:25) Arthur Kalnins: And anything dangerous that could get in?
Arthur Kalnins:
(03/09 01:11:40) Arthur Kalnins: one for four… not bad :P
Nick White:
That is a good question… haven’t really thought about that.
Hey, Nick. Did you guys (DRC) get our Pento letter?
(03/09 01:11:50) Rils: Someone was trapped in there and they had to use the Jaws of Life on the Pod…
Nick White:
I supose Laxman would know.
Good to hear, we have some worried explorers among us.
Nick White:
Pento letter?
Oh, I was wondering, anyy news on the Great Zero? Laxman would probably know more, but have you heard anything?
Nick White:
Not sure on that one.
Nick White:
Oh man, the Great Zero is a mess.
Nick White:
Stuff keeps breaking right when we are about to get it going.
Nick White:
If Laxman had any hair, he wouldn’t now.
blue lasers shooting everywhere…
(03/09 01:13:12) Gondar laughs
(03/09 01:13:19) Gondar: Shoot! He beat me to the line!
(03/09 01:13:24) Aleks: I see. Poor guy.
(03/09 01:13:29) Montgomery: I requested that you be on the receiving list – Cate, Laxman, Kodama, Engberg, Sutherland and you. You didn’t get it? About 2 1/2 weeks ago.
(03/09 01:13:43) ireenquench: Is it the neutrino stuff? the lattice? the Kis? what’s GZs weak points?
Nick White:
Yeah, if you want to hear a British person say “Bloody” go hang out with Laxman.
Nick White:
Over and over and over and over.
Nick White:
Not sure Montgomery.
Oooh. Ouch. Hence he’s not about in the caverns I guess.. and the other three are busy prepping ages as well?
(03/09 01:14:33) cxevalo: Nick does the DRC have any plans for establishing better comunications with the exploer comunity?
(03/09 01:14:37) Montgomery: Via D’net. Do you know the DRC’s palns for Pento – it being full of plague and all?
Nick White:
I personally haven’t seen that one - sorry.
Nick White:
I don’t know.
Arthur Kalnins:
Yes, has the DRC fully checked out both Pento Ages for the plague?
(03/09 01:15:00) Nadnerb: Was he coming tonight?
Nick White:
As much as I do know about Sharper, I’m not his secretary.
(03/09 01:15:16) Kedry raises his hand over the crowd
(03/09 01:15:19) ireenquench roars with laughter
(03/09 01:15:24) Nadnerb starts to laugh
Nick White:
I said I’d be surprised if he came tonight as he is pretty busy with stuff.
Is he taking applications?
Nick White:
But I don’t know.
Arthur Kalnins:
(03/09 01:15:33) Nadnerb: busy is good…
(03/09 01:15:39) Kedry: Can you tell us Mr. Sharper’s KI#?
(03/09 01:15:42) Nadnerb: It means things are happening
Nick White:
No I can not.
Shoot. :P
(03/09 01:16:20) Arthur Kalnins: Nick: Are you still passing out Delins?
(03/09 01:16:23) Dav’on: I wouldn’t think Sharper would want to be constantly pestered by explorers wanting to know things.
(03/09 01:16:44) Kedry: But while we’re at it, what’s your opinion on sharing DRC KI#s in forums?
Nick White:
My personal opinion? Seems fine to me.
Nick White:
Alright boys and girls.
Quick! Start plastering numbers! :-D
(03/09 01:17:19) Arthur Kalnins: Nick, before you leave…
(03/09 01:17:19) Kedry: Thanks!
(03/09 01:17:20) Arthur Kalnins: Are you still passing out Delins?
(03/09 01:17:21) Mystlander goes to throw herself off the classroom roof into the lake
(03/09 01:17:23) Aleks salutes
(03/09 01:17:24) Gondar: Thanks for dropping by Nick!
(03/09 01:17:30) ireenquench: Bye Nick, thanks for stopping by.
(03/09 01:17:33) Kedry: See you around.
(03/09 01:17:33) Dav’on waves goodbye
Nick White:
Don’t have any on me.. sorry Arthur.
Oooh Delin..
(03/09 01:17:34) Niika: It was great talking to you Nick :)
(03/09 01:17:34) Aleks: Have a good one.
(03/09 01:17:36) Keera: thanks Nick
(03/09 01:17:38) Arthur Kalnins: Okay, thanks
(03/09 01:17:40) Gondar: Too bad.
(03/09 01:17:41) Montgomery: Nick, sorry to persist, but quite a few of us are very concerned about the possibility of plague coming from Pento – which is on the DRC list. Do you know if it is safe, and the DRC’s plans for Pento?
(03/09 01:17:52) Xanos: Thanks Nick
(03/09 01:17:52) Seagull: Thanks, Nick. :)
Nick White:
I wouldn’t worry about the Pento plague....
bye nick, shorah
Nick White:
I think it’ll be fine.
Arthur Kalnins:
Have the DRC checked it fully?
(03/09 01:18:36) Kedry: Pento: The new cavern ceiling… :)
Great, Nick. Thank you – this is the first answer we have been able to get.
(03/09 01:18:50) Gondar: Now how do I make money selling breathing masks to stop the plague? ;-)
Nick White:
But that’s why it’s not open to anyone.
I hope so, I don’t want to get sick and die before I hit my prime time of life
(03/09 01:19:00) Arthur Kalnins: Ah okay
(03/09 01:19:04) Arthur Kalnins: Good to know.
Nick White:
Good point Gondar.
Nick White:
Alright, I’m outta here.
Nick, do you know where they found the Pento book?
(03/09 01:19:20) Gondar: Oop. Surprised Cate didn’t try it yet..
(03/09 01:19:20) Kedry laughs
(03/09 01:19:21) tweetie: bye
(03/09 01:19:25) Aleks: Peace.
(03/09 01:19:27) hailahh: bye!
(03/09 01:19:29) Gondar: Bye!
(03/09 01:19:29) Kedry: See you ‘round.
(03/09 01:19:32) Nadnerb: shorah