Cate releases a map of the Pod Age

Date: 2007-03-29, 13:50
Location: Ae’gura
Logged By: Erik

Cate Alexander:
hello Cate :) (03/29 20:51:04) Jazz: Shorah (03/29 20:51:06) Erik: Shorah Ms. Alexander (03/29 20:51:06) Jahare: hi (03/29 20:51:10) peni: so nice to see you
Cate Alexander:
Unfortunately, I don’t have long. Just wanted to drop off the map.
how are you? (03/29 20:51:35) peni: thank you
Cate Alexander:
Busy. Yourself?
looking around (03/29 20:52:06) peni: always interested in what you have for us
Cate Alexander:
I wish it was more.
Cate Alexander:
Soon though.
G’day ladies. (03/29 20:52:20) Cabel waves hello (03/29 20:52:22) Erik: Ms. Alexander, do you have any update on Laxman’s progress on the Great Zero? (03/29 20:52:22) Jahare: thank you (03/29 20:52:25) Jahare bows
Cate Alexander:
Well, thank you.
Cate Alexander:
That’s nice to hear.