Wheely Engberg in the cavern

Date: 2007-02-16
Location: Uru Obsession neighbourhood
Logged By: Dan’nee

To Wheely:
Are you working with the Eder Tsogahl Cloths and Door today?
good to be back :)
does anyone know if the tree page is back? I never got it (02/17 00:53:16) BamaPookie: Do you have to finish the original journeys before you do the new one(s)? (02/17 00:53:24) Firesign: excellent :) (02/17 00:53:25) ian1: Hey Wheely. I noticed you were in Tsogal. Do you like it there? (02/17 00:53:31) Dan’nee: Hi Wheely! (02/17 00:53:41) Thend: What brings you here today? Or is it just the general Cavern-mania going around
Yes, it’s beautiful! I
Long time no see. (02/17 00:53:55) ian1: I asked her to come. (02/17 00:53:59) Firesign: that suns pretty bright there (02/17 00:54:05) Firesign: but i like it
just back into the cavern after being with my grandparents for a while
How’s the home schooling going? (02/17 00:54:26) Firesign: oh cool (02/17 00:54:29) Thend: It’s good to finally meet you, Wheely :) (02/17 00:54:49) Arthur Kalnins: Yes. Shorah, Wheely. (02/17 00:55:08) Firesign: i bet theyre keeping your dad busy, eh? :)
my grandparents took care of it for a while, and now its going to be a little slow with my dad being busy and all
But I don’t mind
more time for me to explore :)
yaaay! (02/17 00:55:42) Dan’nee: I see. Do you get to do much for the restoration at all? (02/17 00:55:45) Thend: Sounds good (02/17 00:55:49) Dan’nee: You ever get to work with Nick White?
When I’m down here, I mostly explore :)
i don’t really work, but I’ve met Nick
dont go exploring too far.. wouldn’t want you to get injoured (02/17 00:56:40) Firesign: have you been in the library since it opened? (02/17 00:56:49) Arthur Kalnins: Yes, Dan’nee. Engberg has his daughter hauling rocks…
no I haven’t, I just got back today
sorry if I missed the answer, but does anyone know if the tree page is back, I missed it the first go around..... (02/17 00:57:00) ian1: Yeah. I love exploring too.
Wanted to see the new ages
You never know. He could be teaching her the ropes. :D (02/17 00:57:05) Firesign: check it out. very cool. :) (02/17 00:57:14) Thend: What’s your favoruite spot down here, Wheely? And have you seen any cool places that haven’t been opened yet? (02/17 00:57:39) Thend: I don’t rightly know, Starla
yeah, my dad doesn’t like me going to the places
Arthur Kalnins:
It is still missing I think.
He’s a little overprotective ;)
why not? (02/17 00:57:55) Firesign: im still partial to kemo myself. (02/17 00:58:02) Dan’nee: Does Nick and your dad get along much? (02/17 00:58:07) Thend: Yeah, parents can be such a drag sometimes
but I love all the places, I really can’t narrow down one as my favorite lol
:) (02/17 00:58:21) Dan’nee: haha, exactly! (02/17 00:58:23) BamaPookie: Starla, I checked a few days ago, and it was not there. Haven’t checked lately, though. (02/17 00:58:43) Thend: Wheely, do you want to be DRC after you finish school? (02/17 00:59:00) Dan’nee: Or, ON the DRC at least, haha. (02/17 00:59:03) Firesign: they must all be busy. havent seen much of any of the drc lately except nick. (02/17 00:59:15) Firesign: havent seen kodama in forever (02/17 00:59:20) Arthur Kalnins: Victor was in today. (02/17 00:59:22) Firesign: or marie
I don’t think so. I love being in a cavern, but I don’t think I’d want to work here
the pay is pretty bad ;)
(02/17 00:59:31) Arthur Kalnins roars with laughter (02/17 00:59:35) Firesign laughs (02/17 00:59:38) ian1: Hey, wheely. Would you like to play a game Ahyoheek? (02/17 00:59:40) Dan’nee: Yeah, I think I’ve heard that. (02/17 00:59:45) Arthur Kalnins: That must be why Nick’s looking for a pay raise XD (02/17 00:59:46) Dan’nee: Archaeology doesn’t pay the best.
sure, a game of heek sounds fun :)
I can understand that Wheely, you are in a good spot right now, being able to enjoy it from both angles (02/17 01:00:10) ian1: okay. Lets go. (02/17 01:00:32) Please welcome Dan’nee, a rank 1 player with 102 points! (02/17 01:00:32) Arthur Kalnins: Leave her a spot :P (02/17 01:00:38) Dan’nee: She’s here (02/17 01:00:40) Thend: Busiest game of Heek I ever seen lol
Arthur Kalnins:
Ah. (02/17 01:00:44) D’ean starts to laugh (02/17 01:00:47) Firesign: lol (02/17 01:00:58) Dan’nee: Do you want to play Arthur? (02/17 01:01:06) Thend: (psst, guys, be nice to her) (02/17 01:01:10) Firesign: i won a round tonight, so i’m laying off it lol (02/17 01:01:18) Dan’nee: I never let a player win. (02/17 01:01:25) LegoAddict: (does that mean we can’t beat her?) (02/17 01:01:26) Dan’nee: If I can help it.
Oh don’t worry, I’m pro heeker
Well, actually, she might whip all of you
ah (02/17 01:01:57) Dan’nee: haha (02/17 01:02:29) Dan’nee: crap! (02/17 01:02:30) LegoAddict cheers (02/17 01:02:32) LegoAddict: :P (02/17 01:02:35) Dan’nee: Nice play (02/17 01:02:38) Arthur Kalnins: Heh (02/17 01:02:38) You are now rank 1 with 101 points! (02/17 01:02:44) LegoAddict: almost at 150 (02/17 01:02:45) ian1: I’m terrible playing with more than 3. (02/17 01:02:49) Dan’nee: You wanna play?
It seems I’ve grown a little rusty ;)
im ALWAYS rusty (02/17 01:03:03) Please welcome Dan’nee, a rank 1 player with 101 points! (02/17 01:03:04) LegoAddict: that’s what they always say :P
(02/17 01:03:10) Please welcome D’ean, a rank 1 player with 100 points! (02/17 01:03:14) Thend: It’s like riding a bike (02/17 01:03:17) Dan’nee: :( (02/17 01:03:20) Arthur Kalnins: a rusty bike? (02/17 01:03:24) LegoAddict: it hurts when you fall? (02/17 01:03:25) Firesign: yeah, it still hurts when you fall off (02/17 01:03:30) Thend: Yes, Art, a rusty bike (02/17 01:03:34) Thend rolls his eyes (02/17 01:03:42) Arthur Kalnins: A rusty bike you fall off of. (02/17 01:03:50) LegoAddict: and get hurt (02/17 01:03:59) Firesign: a lot (02/17 01:04:15) Firesign: wow, that was deep (02/17 01:04:24) LegoAddict: lol (02/17 01:04:24) Firesign: HAH (02/17 01:04:25) Zukeenee: Wow.
We’re all writers here. (02/17 01:04:31) Thend: Nice play (02/17 01:04:41) LegoAddict: bah (02/17 01:04:41) Dan’nee: Ouch (02/17 01:04:49) Thend: GO WHEELY! (02/17 01:04:50) Thend cheers
Sorry (02/17 01:05:21) LegoAddict: squish squash (02/17 01:05:24) BamaPookie: How does scoring go when all three symbols are represented? (02/17 01:05:31) Arthur Kalnins: tie (02/17 01:05:38) LegoAddict cheers (02/17 01:05:38) Zukeenee: Woohoo! (02/17 01:05:41) LegoAddict: wait
congrats :)
(02/17 01:05:45) You are now rank 1 with 100 points! (02/17 01:05:47) Dan’nee: Wheely, have you seen anything strange in the Cavern or the Ages? (02/17 01:05:47) LegoAddict: good game :D (02/17 01:05:48) Thend: Nice Zuckanee (02/17 01:05:51) Firesign: we have a winnah :) (02/17 01:05:57) Zukeenee: I’m gonna hold it there. (02/17 01:06:02) Zukeenee: See you guys.
nope, or not that I’ve noticed at least
Anyone wanna take his spot? (02/17 01:06:09) Dan’nee: God game. (02/17 01:06:14) Dan’nee: *good (02/17 01:06:15) LegoAddict: amen (02/17 01:06:16) Please welcome Arthur Kalnins, a rank 1 player with 97 points! (02/17 01:06:23) Thend: lol (02/17 01:06:32) Dan’nee: I feel cheated. :) (02/17 01:06:36) Firesign: lol
(02/17 01:06:54) You are now rank 1 with 99 points! (02/17 01:06:57) LegoAddict: wait (02/17 01:06:58) Arthur Kalnins: What the… (02/17 01:07:02) Dan’nee: Huh? (02/17 01:07:04) Firesign: ok that was odd (02/17 01:07:06) LegoAddict: is that just me, or did i just forfit a point? (02/17 01:07:15) Dan’nee: Yeah, I lost, too. (02/17 01:07:18) LegoAddict: this is bugging… (02/17 01:07:23) Firesign: heek table must run vista (02/17 01:07:27) LegoAddict: lol (02/17 01:07:28) Thend starts to laugh (02/17 01:07:29) LegoAddict: OSX (02/17 01:07:31) D’ean: lol (02/17 01:07:41) LegoAddict: ok.. (02/17 01:07:41) Dan’nee: Say what? (02/17 01:07:45) Arthur Kalnins: ?!
Not doing so well time
well at least you’re on the winning end (02/17 01:07:56) Thend: I put a quarter in before and it ate it
i blame nolan bushnell (02/17 01:08:14) Dan’nee: Okay, if I keep playing like this my score is going down fast. (02/17 01:08:18) Dan’nee: That was too buggy for me. (02/17 01:08:26) LegoAddict: ahrg (02/17 01:08:29) Thend: I don’t know who he is Fire, but I blame him as well (02/17 01:08:55) Firesign: guh (02/17 01:09:12) Thend: Watch out, Fire thinks he’s good at this (02/17 01:09:19) Firesign: i do?? (02/17 01:09:29) Thend: You don’t? lol (02/17 01:09:30) Firesign: news to me :) (02/17 01:09:34) Thend shrugs (02/17 01:09:38) LegoAddict: if i had just gone bug… (02/17 01:09:46) LegoAddict claps his hands (02/17 01:09:51) LegoAddict: how many is that now Arthur? (02/17 01:09:52) D’ean cheers (02/17 01:09:54) Arthur Kalnins: Excellent (02/17 01:09:59) D’ean: grats (02/17 01:09:59) Firesign: nice
What’s your score, Wheely? (02/17 01:10:16) Thend: Yay! I think.. I never figured out the finer points of scoring in this game
That’s better than 100! (02/17 01:10:43) ian1: Don’t worry. We all lose sometimes.
Well, pen beats book, book beats beetle, beetle beats pen. (02/17 01:10:55) Firesign: i lose a LOT :) (02/17 01:10:59) Dan’nee: Whoever has the most points on the game wins the round. (02/17 01:11:13) Thend: Good to hear Fire, for the next time we play (02/17 01:11:13) LegoAddict: i need to get back to near 150 (02/17 01:11:18) Dan’nee: So if there’s two pens, two books, and one beetle, the pens win because they beat two books. (02/17 01:11:19) Firesign: lol (02/17 01:11:29) Dan’nee: So you score one pen, then. (02/17 01:11:41) Dan’nee: Get 3 pens, 3 books, or 3 beetles to win. (02/17 01:11:42) LegoAddict claps his hands (02/17 01:11:46) LegoAddict: nice one Fire (02/17 01:11:48) Firesign: nicely done (02/17 01:11:53) LegoAddict: Hey Janine (02/17 01:12:00) Thend: I see Dannee, it’s just when the whole board lights up, like that, that it scares me (02/17 01:12:12) Thend: Welcome back sleepyhead! (02/17 01:12:19) Dan’nee: Yeah, sometimes it’s hard to tell who wins so fast. (02/17 01:12:25) Janine: sorry bout that, I got a present :D (02/17 01:12:31) Thend: Oh? (02/17 01:12:32) Dan’nee: Good thing the machine keeps score. (02/17 01:12:34) Firesign: wow! (02/17 01:12:36) Arthur Kalnins: Holy–!
nice wheely (02/17 01:12:47) D’ean: ^^ (02/17 01:12:50) Arthur Kalnins cheers (02/17 01:12:51) Firesign: LOL
bah (02/17 01:13:12) Firesign: ok, get outta my head (02/17 01:13:24) LegoAddict: double bah (02/17 01:13:45) Firesign: bwahahaha (02/17 01:13:58) Janine: whose winning?? (02/17 01:14:05) Thend shrugs (02/17 01:14:07) LegoAddict: Fire and Weely (02/17 01:14:20) Thend: I dunno, but there’s plenty of pretty lights (02/17 01:14:23) ian1: Dean won (02/17 01:14:28) Dan’nee: Wow. Just realized how big these cones really are. (02/17 01:14:31) Janine: just what I was thinking Thend (02/17 01:14:31) ian1: or not.. (02/17 01:14:37) Firesign: one more (02/17 01:14:46) LegoAddict: well, i’ve just gambled away my momentary chance at 150 :P (02/17 01:14:47) Dan’nee: Up on the surface the cones come up to my kneee. Down here they come up to my waist. (02/17 01:14:47) D’ean: nope i lost (02/17 01:14:48) Thend: So, whatja get Janine? (02/17 01:14:50) BamaPookie: Dan’nee, I haven’t done the door yet. (02/17 01:14:57) LegoAddict: ya, whatchaget? (02/17 01:15:00) Firesign: oops (02/17 01:15:16) Janine: can’t really tell Thend but it was very nice :D (02/17 01:15:20) Dan’nee: Wheely, would you mind helping my wife through the door to Eder Tsogahl? (02/17 01:15:24) Thend: Ooookay lol (02/17 01:15:30) Dan’nee: She just KI mailed me and would like to go through. (02/17 01:15:43) LegoAddict: mind if i tag along dan?
Actually, I better get going
Oh, okay. (02/17 01:15:51) LegoAddict: as long as you don’t make me caller
Its been fun, glad to be back
Okay. Goodbye wheely. (02/17 01:16:00) Arthur Kalnins: Shorah, Wheely (02/17 01:16:04) LegoAddict: bye (02/17 01:16:05) Thend: Nice to se you, Wheely (02/17 01:16:05) Firesign: thanks for the game wheely (02/17 01:16:10) Janine: LOL Wheely, you should enjoy the door with us
Nice to meet all of you
Shorah. Thanks for coming. (02/17 01:16:14) ian1 waves goodbye (02/17 01:16:15) Ttreb waves goodbye
Wheely waves hello