Date: 2003-12-05
Location: Ae’gura
Logged By: John Lynch
Michael Engberg:
okay Brian what did you want to talk about?
Brian Fioca:
I was interested in discussing the state of affairs down here…
Michael Engberg:
cool Brian what would you like to know?
hey Mr. Engberg or can I call you Mike? ;)
Brian Fioca:
why are you keeping information from us?
Brian Fioca: i realize you’re working hard on restoration
Brian Fioca: but, with all the silence and delays, and delays about silence…
Brian Fioca: it doesn’t help your cause about sticking to the rules when you go about breaking them yourself
Michael Engberg:
OKay Brian what information do you want?
Brian Fioca:
What have you discovered about the creatures, the Bahro?
Michael Engberg:
Why do you want to know that?
Brian Fioca:
ha! because we would like to explore it!
Michael Engberg:
So Brian you asked to talk about the state of the cavern, but now you want information on the Bahro?
Brian Fioca:
I think they have something to do with what’s going on with Phil.
Michael Engberg:
Why do you believe that? Could you tell me your theory?
Brian Fioca:
I think they have something to do with what’s going on with phil
Dusante: we were told they would effect the restoration
Brian Fioca: we don’t even know if they’re a danger to us
Michael Engberg:
we know those ages are safe
Brian Fioca:
why? because that way you can make sure we don’t find out your secrets?
Michael Engberg:
the ones with the stamp
They mean made safe, Brian.
Michael Engberg:
Brian don’t assume you know everything, I said safe
Brian Fioca:
the advantage you have with this dictatorship of yours is you can wipe all of the ages clean before anyone gets there
Brian Fioca: i don’t know everything! ha! that is the problem
Michael Engberg:
again assuming
Brian Fioca:
there are others who agree with me on this
Brian Fioca: many
Michael Engberg:
Honestly if you really wanted to know state of the cavern thats fine, but to assume and belittle the DRC. Well I just don’t have time for it
I agree with Michael.
Michael Engberg:
Thank you IMF
No prob
Brian Fioca: what is the state of the cavern then?
Brian Fioca: the state of the cavern? i’m interested now
Brian Fioca: how are things down here?
Michael Engberg:
Well, the state of the cavern, currently we opened the courtyard.
Brian Fioca:
Brian Fioca: really?
Brian Fioca: what are the plans for the next opening?
IMForeman: The DRC have been very kind and polite to me since they invited me here.
IMForeman: It’s the brigade of people Zandi let in that have been assuming some grand conspiracy
Michael Engberg:
The nexus has been having some problems, and we are working on the KI more everyday.
Brian Fioca:
good. upgrades?
Brian Fioca: to the ki?
Michael Engberg:
Laxman has been working on a few things, Its talked about in his BIO on the website,
Michael, do you know what state K’Veer is in? Has restoration started on it.
IMForeman: Last time I asked Kodama, it wasn’t being touched yet
Michael Engberg:
IMF, I am currently in Er’cana so I don’t really keep up on other areas
Brian Fioca:
and the library?
IMForeman: Ok. Thanks.
Brian Fioca: ok
Brian Fioca: when will that be open
Brian Fioca: rough guess
To Michael Engberg:
Sorry for interrupting. But I have heard reports that the library was once opened to the explorers. A simple explanation on why it was closed again will help. I have heard many conspiracy theories from your critics.
Michael Engberg:
John, I will address this Publicly..
John Lynch:
Okay. Thanks.
Michael Engberg:
Some people have said that other areas of the city were open and are now closed
Michael Engberg:
If explorers were in those other areas, this was before the cavern was open to the public.
Brian Fioca:
Michael Engberg:
Some might have heard that its not open now, but with the major amount of public we needed to close areas off.
Michael Engberg:
Sorry for the inconvience.
John Lynch:
Aaaah. So your restricting areas to ensure visitors don’t destroy important artifacts by accident until you can secure the area better?
IMForeman: Or get killed, John.
IMForeman: I can understand that… how many people do you think that Bridge would support at once?
IMForeman: Particularly that rope one
Michael Engberg:
IMF who really knows, or wants to find out?
Not me…
plinthon: could we have access to a map… so we can identify some of thestructures?
IMForeman: There was one here once.
Michael Engberg:
I’ll talk to the DRC about giving a map out.
Michael Engberg:
Maybe even put it on the site.
The last thing that anyone needs down here is for an Explorer to be killed by unsafe structures.
IMForeman: Best to play it a bit cautious
[Note: Brian Fioca sends a private message to Michael Engberg]
Michael Engberg:
Brian, I don’t leak anything..
Michael Engberg:
loose lips sink ships
Brian Fioca:
Brian Fioca: so you do have something to hide then?
Michael Engberg:
Its just a saying..
Brian Fioca:
i see
Brian Fioca: that it is
Michael Engberg:
again its just a saying.
Brian Fioca:
Brian Fioca: you’re right
Michael Engberg:
Brian, I will bring up the concern about giving more information out
Brian Fioca:
Thank you Michael
Brian Fioca: that’s all we ask
Brian Fioca: it’ll make a difference
Brian Fioca: but
Brian Fioca: it has to be done
Brian Fioca: no more delays
John Lynch: Mr Engberg. Just a small question. Could you explain why certain information needs to be kept secret or slowly released to the public? I have read transcripts where you said it’s important to slowly release the information. I can’t understand why though…
Michael Engberg:
John, Dr. K is thinking about giving all the information about ages out.
Michael Engberg:
I just believe that giving some information at a time is better then all at once.
Michael Engberg:
we will see what the DRC agrees with.
Brian Fioca:
why is that?
Brian Fioca: what possible reason is there for that?
Michael Engberg:
Well, Say I only knew your name
Brian Fioca:
which you do
Brian Fioca: :)
Michael Engberg:
Its hard to explain, let me try my best
John Lynch:
Thanks a lot for taking the time out from your important work in Er’Cana Mr Engberg. It’s greatly appreciated.
Brian Fioca: sure
Brian Fioca: i’m a reasonable person
Michael Engberg:
say we know age names of 50 places
Michael Engberg:
yes we can give out those names.
Michael Engberg:
but wouldn’t it be better to really research the 1 age and give one age at a time?
Brian Fioca:
well, it might be good to release information incrementally about the age
Brian Fioca: earlier in the cycle
Michael Engberg:
give you all the information on that one age in a more detailed form, pictures, maybe movies, a nice docunment.
Michael Engberg:
then just giving you a bunch of names?
Brian Fioca:
well, the problem is more complicated than that
IMForeman: I can just imaging if the DRC gave out early info that later turned out to be a wrong guess… then people like youself would accuse them of lying
Michael Engberg:
IMF, that too,
John Lynch:
That makes sense. However if you already know the 50 names before you begin researching 1 age in depth, why not just release the 50 names? Sure a details form would be nice. But if you already know the 50 names, why not bother telling them as well? I imagine it wouldn’t take much effort if you already have the information.
Michael Engberg:
John, its more on what IMF had to say, wrong information. Name changes cause the D’ni wasn’t translated right.
John Lynch:
Oh okay. So the information you haven’t released, your unsure as to it’s reliability?
Brian Fioca: who’s to say you’ve already hidden information by the time you release everything
Brian Fioca: *haven’t alredy i mean
Michael Engberg:
Brian, people will think what they wil. No matter what we do.
Brian Fioca:
nobody, but we wouldn’t know if they were
Brian Fioca: you understand that this civilization was more advanced than our own
Brian Fioca: there is a likelyhood that they have information that could give some people lots of power
Brian Fioca: and you could understand why they would want to keep it to them selves, could you not?
Michael Engberg:
Brian what information do you really think we have?
Brian Fioca:
i… there’s no way to know
Brian Fioca: sigh
Michael Engberg:
The DRC always needs to look over information before we release anything.
Brian Fioca:
for safety, right
John Lynch: Brian. Instead of assuming they’re guilty of something. Why not assume they’re innocent of something and look at the evidence from that standpoint?
Brian Fioca: John, I’ll look at it from another perspective if you will
Michael Engberg:
Brian, there are so many unknowns down here.
Brian Fioca:
i understand Michael
Brian Fioca: believe me
Michael Engberg:
Columbus thought he sailed to India, then called the native americans Indians, look how that has entered history books.
John Lynch:
Good point. I would rather not have inaccuracies written in text books. Ancient Egyptian textbooks are annoying in that regard.
IMForeman: It seems to me, Brian, that you are basing all this off Sharper’s ill-will… and Sharper aint the nicest guy in the world
IMForeman: In fact, he’s highly questionable
Brian Fioca: Sharper’s not around… he’s going with phil i think
John Lynch: What!? What makes you think that Brian?
Brian Fioca: rumors
IMForeman: I doubt Phil would keep Sharper around.
IMForeman: Phil seems concerned about things… Sharper’s a killer.
Brian Fioca: killer??
IMForeman: Not exactly a match made in Heaven
Brian Fioca: listen, Phil told me that sharper was kind to him
IMForeman: He killed one of the Teledahn Creatures
IMForeman: And sunk the body
Brian Fioca: are you sure?
IMForeman: Sold bits of it too.
Brian Fioca: have you seen it?
Michael Engberg:
So many rumors about Sharper.
It’s in his journal.
Brian Fioca: ha… reading peoples journals
IMForeman: Plus he’s a Patriots fan… bah!
Brian Fioca: Sharper’s an honest, hard working guy
Brian Fioca: I respect his committment to helping fix up the place
Michael Engberg:
I don’t go read other people private stuff, and I have never even seen his journal.
I think he made it very easy to find, Michael. He seemed to want it to be found
IMForeman: His journal makes very interesting reading.
John Lynch: Yes there are Mr Engberg. But despite the unorthodox methods of gaining the information, there doesn’t seem much room for speculation....
John Lynch: Mr Engberg, have you even seen his office?
John Lynch: It has a very nice view of Kerath’s Arch
Brian Fioca: I suppose you’re going to take him there, John?
John Lynch: No need Brian. I’m sure he knows where it is and can get there himself.
Michael Engberg:
His office?
The office overlooks the courtyard.
Michael Engberg:
I need to go, talk later.. interesting.. Office… hmm
Brian Fioca:
Alright, we’re getting off topic here
IMForeman: Later, Michael
John Lynch: Bye Mr Engberg. And thanks.
Brian Fioca: Remember the meeting about giving more information
Brian Fioca: make sure it happens
Brian Fioca: Phil is in the nexus