Date: 2006-07-06, from 21:00 until 22:00
Location: Town Hall Neighbourhood
Logged By: DRC Liaisons
Our speaker tonight is Michael Engberg of the DRC, and we’re asking him all about the new Ages they’ve found.
(07/06 21:39:31) DRCLVortmax1: Any questions for me, before the meeting starts?
Michael Engberg:
Shorah all.. large group.. be easy on me…
First, let’s give a warm welcome to Michael Engberg!!
(07/06 21:40:24) vid cheers
(07/06 21:40:25) ShadowDude claps his hands
(07/06 21:40:25) Cubkyle claps his hands
(07/06 21:40:29) Taba cheers
(07/06 21:40:33) DRCLeri1 claps her hands
(07/06 21:40:33) Jonathan claps his hands
(07/06 21:40:35) Anthony claps his hands
(07/06 21:40:48) A.Lingo claps his hands
(07/06 21:41:09) DRCLVortmax1: So, Dr. Engberg, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself, and what you do for the DRC?
(07/06 21:42:10) A.Lingo waves
Michael Engberg:
I currently work on the DRC as an Architectural Analysis
Michael Engberg:
glad to be here.
Michael Engberg:
ready for questions when you are
I was reading through the Riven Soundtrack that Dr. Watson and the DRC had explored and documented Gehn’s Age 233. Can you give us any info on your findings, and if we will ever have the chance to explore the Age that was rendered so beautifuly in Riven?
(07/06 21:45:56) DRCLVortmax1: Remember, if you have a question, PM me with ‘question’. I’ll add you to the list. We’ve got plenty of room tonight.
Michael Engberg:
All of the ages have beauty in them.. even bad ones. Next Vortmax
so what can you tell us about the age of pento and did you find the book in the tomb of the great king or else where?
(07/06 21:47:55) DRCLVortmax1: Do please wait until I call on you to ask your question, even if you’re next in line :D
Michael Engberg:
Pento is interesting … Not somewhere I would feel right about letting explorers go and visit yet.. but in the future.. who knows. I can’t remember where we found the book. Next
Uncercover Brother?
(07/06 21:50:23) Undercover Brother: Earlier, Kodama mentioned “resource Ages” used in the restoration process. Any chance we will get to see any of these Ages?
Michael Engberg:
I hope so.. THey are not the grand ages one would hope for. THey were made for specific items, but they might be something someone would like to see. Next
(07/06 21:53:35) Ashtar: This morning Kodama mentioned the restoration of Negilahn. Do you think the restoration will be completed by the end of the year? What can you tell us about the age itself?
Michael Engberg:
I think Negilahn could be restored very soon. However, the DRC disagrees sometimes. THey worry about the creatures of the age. I guess its good to be cautious. :) Next
(07/06 21:56:20) hailah: The two books in the Museum - I forget what the ages are supposed to be called - maybe Negilahn is one? Will they be accessible?
Michael Engberg:
They are on the list. The timetable changes due to resources given to the DRC. Someday they will be open. Next
(07/06 21:58:48) ShadowMan: During the restoration process, have you discovered any ages that are inhabited by the Bahro creatures? If so, will they be made publically accessable in the foreseeable future?
Michael Engberg:
The Bahro are interesting. Like any age we have protocols that we have to abide by. Next
(07/06 22:00:49) Jonathan: Would you explain the recent appearance of scaffolding in the Great Shaft, when was it installed, and by whom?
(07/06 22:03:32) DRCLVortmax1: Please keep your KI use down. Save any pictures for after the meeting.
Michael Engberg:
The great Shaft… I would talk to Watson about that one.. He was dealing with the shaft.. No I haven’t heard from Watson. Have any of you? Next
(07/06 22:04:47) Yali: Can you give us any information on Eder Tsogahl?
Michael Engberg:
its just another garden… NIce, cool area to sit with friends. eat lunch .. Willow and myself go there every once and awhile. Next
(07/06 22:07:04) DRCLeri1: where are you finding all the linking books, and how do you decide which ones to visit?
Michael Engberg:
City Proper.. and if they are safe :) Next
(07/06 22:09:43) DRCLVortmax1: vid? You there?
(07/06 22:10:07) vid: gah
(07/06 22:10:12) vid: here… having problems
(07/06 22:10:23) DRCLVortmax1: YOu’re up
(07/06 22:10:56) vid: Mr Engberg, back when the restoration was still going full speed, I remember the DRC was very upset by the influx of Uru Explorers. Has that distinction pretty well disappeared?
Michael Engberg:
Well we were upset because we wished we had a better way to handle it. I think we want anyone who fells like joining us down here should. We need your support.. and as KOdama says ” Your money”
(07/06 22:15:09) Tallonenx: Do you think that there will be some main guild affiliated ages, like the Garisson, opened in the future?
Michael Engberg:
Yes. next
Undercover Brother:
When will you begin allowing authorized explorers to access new Ages/areas to test for safety?
(07/06 22:16:16) DRCLVortmax1: Undercover Brother?
(07/06 22:16:21) DRCLVortmax1: Yeah, That.
(07/06 22:16:31) Undercover Brother: Sorry.
(07/06 22:16:36) DRCLVortmax1: It’s okay :)
Michael Engberg:
Access to new areas and ages.. hmm.. right now we will need your help to make sure the old ages still work. This summer a few will start getting Authorized access
(07/06 22:19:32) Ashtar: Regarding Negilahn again. At one time I heard rumors that the D’ni used pods of some kind to explore the age. Will be allowed to freely roam the age ourselves or are the pods still a necessity?
Michael Engberg:
Pods seem to be needed. Negilahn isn’t the only place the D’ni used pods. We even coined the term “Pod ages”. Next
Marten asks: What new Age are you most excited about, and why?
Michael Engberg:
Rahtevnee. Because we recently found it and it has an interesting feel to it. Next
Darin Wolfe?
(07/06 22:25:26) Darin Wolfe: Has the DRC had any luck in finding the Releeshan book that Atrus wrote? And have you had any contact with the D’ni?
Michael Engberg:
WE have not found the book. Yes to the D’ni. Next
(07/06 22:26:31) A.Lingo: Earlier today Kodama mentioned the age of Kahlo. Could you give us some information on the native airborne creatures, and the D’ni game/sport they were used in?
Michael Engberg:
THe creatures and landscape itself seem to live off each other. The game the D’ni played is still a bit unknown. We do know they used the pub as a place to gamble and bet on teams. Next
Are you aware that explorers are using yeesha’s path of the shell to access unopened Ages such as Ahnonay, K’veer and Er’cana? How do you feel about this?
Michael Engberg:
Kodama mentioned it to me today. THe DRC are trying to make Ages available for people. Yeesha does what she wants. next
(07/06 22:33:35) ShadowDude: Have the DRC found the books to prison ages such as Spire or Haven? If so, does the DRC intend to make them accessable to explorers?
Michael Engberg:
No and why would you wanr to go to a prison age.... Umm Prison??? Next
Have you found any evidence of D’ni “librarianship”? The D’ni Decimal Task Force was doing some research and Myridean was going to send it to /shout I was going to ask about D’ni librarianship, but I’m more interested in your contact with D’ni - please tell us more…
(07/06 22:35:15) DRCLVortmax1: hailah?
Michael Engberg:
I believe Marie knows more about that subject. As for D’ni contact..
Michael Engberg:
Sorry I can’t say.. next
(07/06 22:37:35) Yali: When do you see the Island of K’veer being opened up to explorers, and can you give us some information on layout of the island itself?
Michael Engberg:
its on the list like everything else. I’m sorry but i am going to rant for a bit.
Michael Engberg:
Its hard to come to a meeting called “New Ages” … THe DRc are working hard on mjust making the cavern safe once again.
Michael Engberg:
THe new ages .. they exist but not in the plenty they once did. i’d love to come to a meeting and say 3 new ages are opening in the next 3 months.. but it is not the case at this time. Resouces are thin and worries are high.
Michael Engberg:
its fustrating.. but a hump we must battle for a better day. next
That’s a good but for us to know, Michael. And I think we can all understand focusing energies on what you’ve already got cooking
(07/06 22:44:23) DRCLeri1: bit
(07/06 22:44:44) DRCLVortmax1: Mari?
(07/06 22:44:45) Mari’: Are any areas of the city that are now unaccessible going to be open by the end of the year? Like the lower levels of the Library, Guild Hall or behind the curtin?
Michael Engberg:
more likely in the coming year
Have you or any other member of the
(07/06 22:45:58) A.Lingo: Sorry…
Michael Engberg:
slow to start.. but ramping up. Next
(07/06 22:47:02) DRCLeri1: We’ve been told that much of the work Cyan did was based on Catherine’s journals… does that mean the DRC found Tomahna?
Michael Engberg:
we found the cleft… if we found Tomahna would we tell you? Did we even tell you we found the cleft? :) Next
(07/06 22:50:35) DRCLVortmax1: Tallonenx?
(07/06 22:50:50) Tallonenx: my question is not about an age other than the onw we are on now, but will we be able to visit the Park of the Ages mentioned in the Book of Tiana (near the Jaren District here in D’ni) and could you expand upon what the park of the ages is?
(07/06 22:51:31) DRCLVortmax1: Just as a note, we’re almost out of time. We will not get to all questions, unfortunately.
Michael Engberg:
I hope so. Can’t really expand on it.. You’ll have to see it yourself. Let me say one thing about another place in the cavern instead
Michael Engberg:
I saw a question on the forums about the guild of illusions
Michael Engberg:
The house in the paintings belongs to the guild of Illusions . Remember those drawings are artist renditions of a place and of rumors. THe place doesn’t look like that anymore.
Michael Engberg:
The rumors that the Guild house can be found in other ages have been documented on various occasions. THe DRC are investigating those claims. JUst an FYI. Next
And our last question, IanWatson?
(07/06 22:56:46) IanWatson: Are there plans for any more projects like the Great Zero calibration where all the explorers can help with restoration? I understand progress is frustratingly slow for both the DRC and the explorers, and I want to help however I can.
Michael Engberg:
Yes. As Er’cana has fallen into ruins since i last saw it. Safety systems need to be replaced , but I think we can get everyonce help to feed the lake. We need light down in this darkness… I’ll take 2 more.. cause I am slow. :)
Okay, Alhon?
(07/06 23:00:26) Alhon: Can yout tell us anything about the restoration of Katha Island, and is there any connection to Guildmaster Kadish?
Michael Engberg:
Many of the DRC want us to work on Katha Island.
Michael Engberg:
Who knows about Kadish.. he seems to be a popular man.
Beefo la Rue?
(07/06 23:02:38) Beefo la Rue: The Cavern is full of Amazing discoveries. What have you seen in the ages that has awed you the most?
Michael Engberg:
.. Okay Father alert. I would say the kindness of others, the community of explorers and the diversity of indivuals all coming together and making D’ni their home. :)
Let’s all thank Michael Engberg for being here, and for starting early!
Michael Engberg:
goodnight all and thank you for having me.
(07/06 23:06:44) DRCLeri1 claps her hands
(07/06 23:06:51) Cubkyle claps his hands
(07/06 23:06:52) SuperGram: Thank you Michael....
(07/06 23:06:53) Taba applauds
(07/06 23:06:57) Jonathan claps his hands
(07/06 23:06:58) Felixar claps his hands
To Michael Engberg:
Could you hang around for just a minute for pictures?
Thanks so much for coming, Michael!
(07/06 23:07:22) Tweek: thanks Michael
(07/06 23:07:22) DRCLeri1: thanks so much for coming, and indulging our rabid curiosity
(07/06 23:07:22) vid cheers
Thanks Michael
(07/06 23:07:22) Felixar: thanks
(07/06 23:07:31) DRCLVortmax1: If you want to get a picture, do it quickly :)
(07/06 23:07:46) vid: Mr. Engberg! Could you pose to the left of the podium for a photograph?
(07/06 23:08:41) SuperGram: Good night everyone and once again thank you Michael
(07/06 23:08:48) DRCLVortmax1: Thanks to everyone for coming!!
(07/06 23:09:56) IanWatson claps his hands
Michael Engberg:
how did I do?
Great job :)
(07/06 23:10:25) ShadowMan: i’m enlightened now ;)
(07/06 23:10:29) ShadowMan: or I feel that way
(07/06 23:10:30) IanWatson: Thanks again, Mr. Engberg. We really appreciate how the DRC is communicating with us.
(07/06 23:10:31) Cubkyle: Exelent!
(07/06 23:10:42) Ashtar: You did great :)
(07/06 23:10:49) Cubkyle: Thank you so much!
(07/06 23:11:06) DRCLVortmax1: Poor vid, he’s having so much trouble getting into position…
(07/06 23:11:14) DRCLeri1: Duct tape.
Michael Engberg:
we planned for these things orginally before the shutdown.. Glad to see they work.:)
Thank you so much, Michael!
(07/06 23:11:46) ShadowMan: imagine once the floodgates are open…
(07/06 23:11:49) vid cheers
(07/06 23:11:55) DRCLVortmax1: Yes, they’ve worked really well so far, especially since we figured out that sitting causes problems.
(07/06 23:11:57) IanWatson: I hope it continues after the re-opening.
(07/06 23:12:53) DRCLVortmax1: Thanks again to Michael Engberg, and thanks to all of you for attending! Here’s hoping we’ll see you for the next meeting!
(07/06 23:13:05) IanWatson nods his head
(07/06 23:13:10) ShadowMan: when’s the next one again?
Michael Engberg:
got to go.. Shorah