DRC / Liaison Meeting

Date: 2006-05-02
Location: Uruto (A neighbourhood)
Logged By: DRC Liaisons

Marie Sutherland waves
Tweek is having relto book issues. (05/02 12:54:39) Vortmax2: Heya Wolfie! :) (05/02 12:54:42) Eleri: there’s wolfie! (05/02 12:54:53) Vortmax2: Oh, that’s no good :( (05/02 12:54:55) Eleri: Gadren may still be at school
Marie Sutherland:
I don’t think Laxman or Engberg will be making it either.
Marie Sutherland:
Kodama said that he’d be here, though.
no worries :) (05/02 12:55:49) Vortmax2: Awww, and I wanted to talk to Dr. Laxman about the Lattice. (As in, will it ever get fixed?)
Marie Sutherland:
There’s that ‘ever’ word again… :)
lol (05/02 12:56:37) Vortmax2 starts to laugh (05/02 12:56:54) CAGrayWolf: Shorah All (05/02 12:57:01) Vortmax2: Yeah, well, I know it’ll happen eventually. I, like many others, just want it NOW! But the stone is hard, and the stonecutter is patient…
Marie Sutherland:
It probably will be fixed someday, just not necessarily in any of out lifetimes
*chuckle* (05/02 12:57:21) Vortmax2: Oh, THAT’S encouraging! :D (05/02 12:58:10) Vortmax2: So, how goes the exploration of Delin? (Or should we wait a bit for that?) (05/02 12:58:27) Eleri: Laxman’s Holy Grail is a shelf full of D’ni technical manuals (05/02 12:58:33) Vortmax2 laughs (05/02 12:59:17) Vortmax2: I’ll keep an eye out for some. (05/02 12:59:20) CAGrayWolf: Tweek seems to have found his book. (05/02 13:00:39) Vortmax2: Excellent. (05/02 13:00:55) Eleri: woot
Marie Sutherland:
Sorry, was lost in thought, there.
at least we figured out Tweek time :) (05/02 13:01:39) Vortmax2: This whole GMT/BST thing has been giving me fits. (05/02 13:01:44) CAGrayWolf: It helps when one know what time they are in. (05/02 13:02:17) Vortmax2 waves (05/02 13:02:19) CAGrayWolf: Shorah Dr Kodama (05/02 13:02:31) Eleri waves (05/02 13:02:32) Vortmax2: It is… The Kodama!
Dr. Kodama:
Hello, nice to see you all.
‘afternoon Dr. Kodama
Dr. Kodama:
Hello Marie
Shorah Tweek
Marie Sutherland:
Heya Tweek! (05/02 13:03:13) Eleri: yay, Tweek!
Marie Sutherland:
good afternoon, Tweek.
shorah b’shehmtee
Dr. Kodama:
Very nice job on previous town hall meetings.
Thank you (05/02 13:04:00) Eleri: thanks!
Marie Sutherland:
Yes, they went very well for a first attempt.
Thanks :)
Dr. Kodama:
Let’s get started so I can get back to work.
we should probably decide when the next town hall meetings should be
Dr. Kodama:
I think half an hour was too short, myself. Especially when we get into the big topics (05/02 13:05:30) CAGrayWolf: Agreed
Marie Sutherland:
If we make them longer, then we’ll have to cut down the number of them.
Dr. Kodama:
Smaller group size is better in my opinion.
Dr. Kodama:
Less… issues
true, but we might get more substance to them, if age slowness becomes a problem (05/02 13:07:09) CAGrayWolf: Oppps, I misunderstood Eleri. Half hour between meetings is too short. (05/02 13:07:40) Vortmax2: Is there a way you can limit the number of people in a ‘hood? Some Lattice setting that would keep it to 20 or so?
Dr. Kodama:
Opening and closing are the only way in the short term.
*nodnod* (05/02 13:08:22) CAGrayWolf: I think the length on the meetings was fine. (05/02 13:08:53) Tweek: need more time between meetings for everyone to get where they are wanting to get on time definatly. (05/02 13:09:04) Eleri: especially if meetings run over (05/02 13:09:12) Eleri: which they are wont to do
Marie Sutherland:
Having two meetings at once was intended to help with crowd control, so that everyone wasn’t trying to get into the same hood at once.
if we close the hood on a number cap, that becomes less of an issue (05/02 13:10:04) CAGrayWolf: Oh, is there any way to expand the range of the Ki’s within the Community Room so we do not need to shout? (05/02 13:10:14) Vortmax2: Here’s another scheduling question: Can we get you guys to stay up late so we could hold some meetings at good times for the Aussie time zones?
Dr. Kodama:
The KI issue is something Victor is suppose to fix. But he’s no speed demon.
one thing at a time, maybe? (05/02 13:11:06) CAGrayWolf: Marie, I actually like having the two meetings at once, it was just the spacing between them.
Dr. Kodama:
Shouting will have to suffice.
(Sorry, was typing as you asked)
Marie Sutherland:
Understood, CAGW :)
how about this… (05/02 13:12:23) Eleri: meetings start on the hour, and run for at least a half hour, but can go a full hour if needed… (05/02 13:12:52) Eleri: and the next meeting isn’t scheduled until 2 hours after the start of the first. (05/02 13:13:09) Eleri: so if a meeting started at 10am, it could go until 11, and the next would start at noon. (05/02 13:13:41) Tweek: that gives times for logs to be posted on the DRCL forum and editing to begin too which is handy (05/02 13:14:17) Eleri: and we try and meet here, at least a half hour before the first meeting, to make sure everyone knows where they’re going
Marie Sutherland:
The schedule will be greatly affected by the topic. “Meet the DRC” was something where chatting with me was roughly the same as chatting with Kodama.
Dr. Kodama:
Meeting here in advance is a really good idea
Marie Sutherland:
Other topics might be heavily focused on one member in particular.
I think the next TH should proberbly be with Cyan folk, (05/02 13:15:11) CAGrayWolf: Agreed (05/02 13:15:25) Eleri: *nod* (05/02 13:15:29) Tweek: keep it alternating perhaps
Dr. Kodama:
Marie Sutherland:
That’s a good idea. At least for now.
We need to have at least one cyan meeting, and one DRC meeting that are eastern-hemisphere freindly (05/02 13:16:39) Eleri: how often should we do this? 1 day a week, and alternate Cyan and DRC? (05/02 13:17:37) Vortmax2: Would you have time to be here every other week? Not all of you, necessarily, but at least a couple of you?
Dr. Kodama:
After the initial meetings I would prefer not to have everyone participate every time.
Dr. Kodama:
We could certainly have a couple DRC members each time.
Maybe once we decide on the topics, it’ll be easier to decide which of you should be there? (05/02 13:18:28) Vortmax2: Would you rather we set up a day with topics for just one or two members, then? (05/02 13:18:53) CAGrayWolf: So if we had one member of each for say an hour once evryother week … would this work better?
Marie Sutherland:
I think the frequency of the meetings will go down, too. I know everyone has a lot of questions right now,…
Dr. Kodama:
One or two is good.
Marie Sutherland:
but the fact of the matter is that we don’t have as many answers as you all have questions.
I agree Marie. (05/02 13:19:26) CAGrayWolf starts to laugh
Dr. Kodama:
I think that’ll happen in perpetuity (05/02 13:19:43) Vortmax2: Heh, yes. Like I said before, we want it all, and we want it NOW! :D
Marie Sutherland:
And the meetings will deteriorate fairly rapidly into “Nope, I don’t know that. Nope, I don’t know that either.”
perhaps we could start with alternating ever week then after a while perhaps just having 2 weeks of meetings (05/02 13:20:10) Tweek: erm having them more spaced out I mean >.< (05/02 13:20:14) Eleri: would it be better for you to get questions ahead of time on a topic? (05/02 13:20:51) Eleri: or do a canned report at the top of the meeting, and then take questions? (05/02 13:21:06) CAGrayWolf: Problem with that is we would get a flood of questions then.
Marie Sutherland:
the problem with getting the questions ahead of time is the perception that you all (the liaisons) will be only picking some of the questions. People will accuse you of favoritism if their question is not selected.
well you could do something like “first 10 questions submitted will be asked” (05/02 13:21:54) Eleri: we could ask for questions to be pmed ahead of time on the forums, and filter them down into the basic topic (05/02 13:22:15) Eleri: cause people are going to have questions that are similar enough that they can be answered once
Marie Sutherland:
If it’s somewhere public like the forums where people can confirm what the first 10 questions were, that might work.
Marie Sutherland:
Unless you all aren’t worried about the accusations that they will make against you all.
Like what I did with hood submissions? (05/02 13:22:52) Vortmax2: Such things are done on the Surface regularly, where questions are submitted to a moderator, who then asks the questions. (05/02 13:23:25) Vortmax2: I don’t care about accusations, myself. I know we’re doing our best, and that’s all I need. (05/02 13:23:31) CAGrayWolf: That is an awful lot of typing.
Marie Sutherland:
The moderator in that case isn’t usually in a position to be accused of favoritism.
True, but I’d like to think that we wouldn’t be accused of it either. (05/02 13:24:24) Vortmax2: I’m a hopeless optimist, though. ;) (05/02 13:24:49) CAGrayWolf: I think overall, most are very pleased with us and the job we are doing. (05/02 13:24:51) Eleri: my less than humble opinion is that some people need to get a grip and deal, but that’s just me :)
Marie Sutherland:
One would hope.
*polishes her halo* (05/02 13:25:09) Tweek: I’m with Eleri on that one ^_^ (05/02 13:25:15) CAGrayWolf: that they would cope. (05/02 13:25:15) Vortmax2: *chuckles* Yeah Eleri, same here. Some will never be happy, and there’s nothing much we can do about that.
Marie Sutherland:
If you aren’t concerned, then I’ll try to be less concerned.
Dr. Kodama:
Dr. Watson would say that a sure way to fail is to try and please everyone.
At least we know who the less happy one are.
Marie Sutherland:
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.” -Bill Cosby
Marie Sutherland:
Dr. Watson quoted that often. :)
I think we’ll be able to figure out the best way to flow questions :) (05/02 13:26:59) Eleri: Still no word from him? That’s so sad :(
Dr. Kodama:
Dr. Kodama:
I found the PM system worked well for me. I couldn’t always see people wave. (05/02 13:27:27) Vortmax2: Hopefully he’ll return one of these days… Even just a note from him would be helpful. (05/02 13:27:30) Tweek: Tweek spoke to watson just after you guys dispanded.
Marie Sutherland:
What did he say?
Dr. Kodama:
cant remember, did an interview with him for djc (05/02 13:28:58) CAGrayWolf: Wasn’t that just before Cyan released the x-packs?
Marie Sutherland:
Dr. Kodama:
Speaking of Cyan, Marie you know how to contact them?
wolfie I cant honestly remember (05/02 13:30:00) Vortmax2: I was about to ask if you could contact them about THs, or if we should
Marie Sutherland:
Yes, I can contact them.
when do we want to shoot for the next meeting? 2 weeks from now, to get it all scheduled?
Dr. Kodama:
And do we know who?
Should we work on a tentative 2 month schedule?
Marie Sutherland:
That’s not a bad idea, Eleri
Which begs the question, are there any particular days/times that are regularly bad for you guys?
Marie Sutherland:
That way people can look ahead to future meetings if they can’t make the one on that day.
I’m thinking the technical director, first. Mark Deforest? (05/02 13:31:41) Vortmax2: Or regularly good?
Marie Sutherland:
I will talk with Mr. DeForest and ask what times work well for him, unless one of you wants to do that.
whichever’s easiest for you guys (05/02 13:33:13) CAGrayWolf: I think Gad is on his way. (05/02 13:33:34) Eleri: you guys are busybusy
Marie Sutherland:
Most of the DRC will try to be as flexible as possible. I can’t make the same promised for the Cyan folks, though.
(05/02 13:34:30) Eleri nods her head (05/02 13:35:17) Vortmax2: Marie, would it be possible for you to send announcements about the meetings through the KI system for us? (05/02 13:35:26) Vortmax2: Like you did with the petition?
Marie Sutherland:
Yes, I can do that.
that would be nifty (05/02 13:35:39) Vortmax2: Excellent. There’s another problem solved :D (05/02 13:35:44) Eleri: did you see the website we got up? (05/02 13:35:46) CAGrayWolf cheers
Marie Sutherland:
Yes. I saw it. Nice work.
Dr. Kodama:
I haven’t seen it yet.
there’ll be a calendar there for all to see. That’ll help scheduling. (05/02 13:36:48) Vortmax2: That’s all Eleri’s work there. She got it set up for us. :) (05/02 13:37:07) Eleri: My hubby, actually.
Dr. Kodama:
Very good.
We laso have a great translation team put together as well.
Marie Sutherland:
Gad! (05/02 13:37:26) CAGrayWolf: Shorah Gad (05/02 13:37:32) Vortmax2: Hey Gad!
Marie Sutherland:
Hello, Gadren.
Shorah (05/02 13:38:01) Tweek: howdy (05/02 13:38:02) Gadren: Sorry I’m late (05/02 13:38:07) Gadren: nice cone ring ;) (05/02 13:38:10) Vortmax2: Okay, I know I’m switching topics, but I must know – any chance of getting more pictures of some of these new Ages you’re working on? (05/02 13:38:19) Vortmax2: Or just more information on them? (05/02 13:38:26) CAGrayWolf: or should we say … Garden :p (05/02 13:38:31) Vortmax2 starts to laugh (05/02 13:38:34) Eleri: Rebek sounds amazing. (05/02 13:38:35) Gadren: O_o (05/02 13:38:47) Eleri: watch your face, Wolfie ;) (05/02 13:38:49) Vortmax2: Yes, Rebek especially.
Dr. Kodama:
I have fangs.
Marie Sutherland:
We are most likely to put new infomation on the DRC site.
Well that was direct. :D (05/02 13:39:17) Eleri: *chuckle* (05/02 13:39:39) Eleri: I have the explorer itch… I wanna go peek! (05/02 13:40:16) Eleri: is there anything else we can do to make things move smoothly for you guys?
Marie Sutherland:
We hope you’ll all get the chance.
i need to start keeping a note of things to bring up in meetings >.<
Marie Sutherland:
Got any money? :)
Vortmax2 laughs (05/02 13:40:51) Tweek: yes thanks (05/02 13:40:58) Tweek: oh oh you mean money to give you.. (05/02 13:41:07) Eleri: note to self: win lottery… (05/02 13:41:08) Vortmax2: Would you take donations, if we set up some kind of system for it?
Marie Sutherland laughs
Dr. Kodama:
I need to get going. Anything else you need me for?
some sort of Frinds of the DRC thing? Complete with little window decals? (05/02 13:41:51) CAGrayWolf: Marie, Kodama … will either of you or any other of the DRC be attending Mysterium this year?
Dr. Kodama:
Marie Sutherland:
I won’t make it either.
awww too bad. Goone be loads of fun. (05/02 13:42:39) Eleri: aww (05/02 13:42:49) Vortmax2: Come on, I’m sure you could use a vacation! (05/02 13:42:53) Vortmax2 laughs
Dr. Kodama:
I could use less meetings.
or at least on time ones? (05/02 13:43:16) Tweek: they just vacate to Laki’ahn tropical beaches and stuff ;) (05/02 13:43:39) Gadren starts to laugh
Marie Sutherland:
ok. to wrap up… what have we determined?
Marie Sutherland:
1) next town hall will be with Cyan probably Mark Deforest
Meetings in 2 weeks with Cyan staff, times TBD (05/02 13:44:18) Eleri: we’ve come up with a basic meeting structure, and an idea of when to schedule them (05/02 13:44:42) Tweek: longer time frame between meetings held on the same day.
Marie Sutherland:
2) more time between the sessions
Marie Sutherland:
(1 hour?) (05/02 13:44:57) Eleri: *nod* (05/02 13:45:01) Vortmax2: (1 to 1.5 hrs) (05/02 13:45:02) CAGrayWolf: Agreed
Marie Sutherland:
3) maybe get the questions ahead of time
we’ll hash out a better way to ask questions.
Marie Sutherland:
(and I need a KI that can type more than four keys at a time without large pauses between them)
I should be able to have a rogh draft schedule for the enxt 2 months done by Frday (05/02 13:46:19) Eleri: and fingers that work. (05/02 13:46:32) CAGrayWolf: and I will work on polishing the format more. (05/02 13:46:42) Eleri: bwah. (05/02 13:46:48) CAGrayWolf: HA! Try typing with paws.
Marie Sutherland:
I think that’s it (05/02 13:46:56) Vortmax2: Attempting to limit the meetings to smaller groups.
Dr. Kodama:
Alright, good to see you all again.
Well, I need to get going… :| (05/02 13:47:10) Vortmax2: Thanks for coming by Dr. Kodama
Marie Sutherland:
Take care, Kodama-san
likewise (05/02 13:47:15) Vortmax2: And so long Gadren (05/02 13:47:16) CAGrayWolf: Bye Marie and Kodama (05/02 13:47:19) Gadren waves
Dr. Kodama:
Keep up the good work.
Bye Garden (05/02 13:47:27) Vortmax2: Thanks :) (05/02 13:47:31) Eleri: thanks Marie, Dr. Kodama. Say hi to Michael and Victor for us
Marie Sutherland:
Thanks for all your help.
Marie Sutherland:
Will do.
CAGrayWolf waves
Marie Sutherland waves
wonder what the expression on Zandi’s face was when you guys took the journey. (05/02 13:48:16) Eleri: *chuckle* (05/02 13:48:19) Vortmax2 starts to laugh
Marie Sutherland:
I’ll leave that to your imaginations :)